black & death: the top 10

Naming off albums isn't going to help you much as far as deciding which ones to buy. The best thing to do is to download samples of songs from albums, or to read reviews from educated people. So I would recommend that you go to the website below and decide for yourself. This being the most comprehensive reviews for metal albums i've seen on the net.
Focusphere said:
Naming off albums isn't going to help you much as far as deciding which ones to buy. The best thing to do is to download samples of songs from albums, or to read reviews from educated people. So I would recommend that you go to the website below and decide for yourself. This being the most comprehensive reviews for metal albums i've seen on the net.
It has comprehensive reviews no doubt, but that site is extremely biased to ultra-elitist views as far as metal goes. Not necessarily saying that elitism is a bad thing, but is too one sided to be considered that good a review site.
Charubic Murder said:
As for my list:

Black metal:
1. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
2. Summoning - Dol Guldur
3. Immortal - Pure Holocaust
4. Graveland - Thousand Swords
5. Burzum - Filosofem
6. Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul
7. Averse Sefira - Battle's Clarion
8. Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
9. Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
10. Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
*My preference is subject to change, though the top 3 usually stay the same.

Nice list similar to mine. Black Metal only:

1. Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse : regardless of what people say on production.
2. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (or Burzum/Aske)
3. Nargaroth - Black Metal Ist Krieg
4. Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
5. Immortal - Pure Holocaust (or even At The Heart of Winter, i like both almost equally)
6. Ulver - Nattens Madrigal
7. Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
8. Satyricon - Nemisis Divina (or Dark Medival times)
9. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanus
10. Dissection - The past is alive

I figured it was best to try and pick 1 best from each band that I would consider in my top 10. I provided alternatives where my choices were close. Might change a bit over time. again. top 3 - 5 pretty much stable though. Try downloading some as suggested above. get a feel for what is what.

edit: is comprehensive in reviews... but are a little one sided.
I hate these top ten lists.

Everyone has excellent lists however.

But Id like to add Arcturus La Masquerade Infernale.

Dissections Storm of the Lights Bane- maybe my favorite non experimental black metal release. Most likely because of the thrash elements.

I know i might get flamed on this one, but i have always enjoyed der perfekte traum, and A Dead Poem from Rotting Christ, they have wonderful atmosphere and that combination of black/death sound.

Im kinda of digging Grand Belials Key- Judeobeast assasination- just got it a day or two ago.
Guardian of Darkness said:
He's on the 'wow, I have shitty taste' planet. crimsonfloyd, however, is more on the 'what the fuck is black metal?' planet.
Ok, so maybe Below the Lights and Bertatt aren't tr00ly black metal, but they're close enough that they're staying on my list. Its just that my defination of black metal it a bit broader then yours...
Hm I forgot old Grave and Seance, perfect death metal sound.

I think its pretty pathetic Crimson Floyd that they are crucifying you over not picking "troo" black metal, when Enslaved show more talent in one album than the rest of the troo black metal scene has shown in 10 years.
Exactly, how can you critize Enslaved (or even Dimmu Borgir) when one's top ten list conatins bands that lack much musicanship, lyrical talent or creativity *cough-Beherit-cough*. Well you can, it just doesn't make you look to smart...
I guess we just dont get the troo black metal scene, especially musically, the sparse minimalism, and general lack of creativity. I think it is quite amusing personally, but then again i am not around groups of these people, I can only go on the comments i see from these troo metal people on this board.
even though i agree that the black metal scene (as well as most metal) is over-saturated in mediocrity, it apparent that neither of you has any understanding of the genre; your continued usage of the word "tr00" without any basis is further testimony to this. it's fine to recognize that a form of music goes over your head, but criticizing it without first understanding it is like belittling someone whom you've never met.
Ill admit i dont understand the genre. Personally the only black metal bands i like are those that experiment, like Solefald, Arcturus, Bethlehem, Enslved etc. The proceeding paragraph contains my own personal thoughts and understanding of this "troo" black metal scene.

I have understood it to be a genre rife with shoddy production and musicianship trying to evoke a nihilistic pagan call to action, with heavy nazi or nationalistic undertones. Some bands do it well, like Nokturnal Mortum, Temnozer, or even old burzum. Most bands seem to be parodies of old darkthrone, mayhem, and dimmu borgir releases, and instead of writing decent music, they rely on image, and their message rather than decent music. Someone has to tell me why Fullmoon and Graveland and other bands in this spirit are worth a shit, I can barely hear the music, its ounds like its on a 8 track. From what i do hear, it sound pretty standard and relying on its underground cult nazi appeal rather than the music itself.

So is this a correct assumption of "troo" black metal?
no, it isn't. but you mentioned graveland as a reference, which is much better than making baseless assumptions. you may not enjoy the early graveland work and yes, it is very minimalistic and sick -- with bad production. but the later graveland releases, such as "immortal pride" and "creed of iron" are fantastic compositional pieces that DO NOT rely on bad production, image or "cult" status. in fact, they aren't necessarily even black metal anymore and by no means standard.
Well ill have to check out the newer Graveland then. I do agree alot of black metal is quite good and interesting, and I do like the nihilsitic spirit and all. But I equate troo with those bands like Mayhem, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Marduk, The abyss etc etc, that I really dont see any talent at all, I just dont get the music and its appeal- well especially its image and appeal.
speed:that's fine... i usually cannot stand "norsecore" bands like marduk, dark funeral, etc. (i find it very boring and same-sounding), but i'm sure there are some people who enjoy it. i'm like you and generally like some experimentalism in BM, good songcrafting, melody, ANYTHING that seperates it from conventional mediocrity (same with all forms of music). and luckily enough, there are quite a few BM bands that stand out from the claustrophobic norms of the genre... you just gotta find 'em!
I, for one, can NOT understand how one does not see any talent in Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. You may not like it (If not I'll hate you for that instead, don't worry), but anyone should be able to note the great songwriting and the deep impact it has had on the black metal scene since quite a few years before its actual release.
Darkthrone were also highly original (though using strong influences from some bands, like Bathory) between the death metal days and the Celtic Frost worship.
Personally I think it's the best album ever and I think the people who don't agree simply haven't listened to it enough. It's a very even album, the first couple of tracks rule, but so does the middle and ending couple.
Listen to it (all of it) under fitting circumstances and tell me your opinion of it again.