Black History Month

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Turbo said:
I think it should be banned unless we can have a white history month. Trouble is, is that we need at least the other 11 months to tell our history. Black history month could be shortened to a day and no one would notice.
I think black people would notice, but then again, they never notice when their month has 29 days.
Vikk Cavanagh said:



Well, the swastika is actually a symbol that stands for wisdom and strength...dunno where it's from...but the mores used it in decoration of buildings. And the mores were pretty damn black.
Heavenscent said:
Well, the swastika is actually a symbol that stands for wisdom and strength...dunno where it's from...but the mores used it in decoration of buildings. And the mores were pretty damn black.
True, its means wisdom, strength, and luck if your Hindu. I should know, BloodyScalpel says I'm Hindu.:)
Lmao we took them out of africa and eating their own shit, and now they want a month celebrating what little good they have done to our world?

I reccommed reading ALL of charlies drawins work it is really enlighting

btw i hope a real nazi goes up to those bitches and kills them.
Deadnight Warrior87 said:
True, its means wisdom, strength, and luck if your Hindu. I should know, BloodyScalpel says I'm Hindu.:)
I thought you were muslim man :confused:


The swastika was born from the hindu/budist culture really though =) but the one that means wisdom and strenght is the clockwise one
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omfg this looks bad :lol:
Deadnight Warrior87 said:
Question: If you live in like Norway, Sweden, or Finland, have you ever seen a black person other than on TV?

I see black people here almost everyday. We had a few black guys at work for a while, but they went back to school so they'll graduate in time.
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