Black History Month

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Heavenscent said:
Well, the swastika is actually a symbol that stands for wisdom and strength...dunno where it's from...but the mores used it in decoration of buildings. And the mores were pretty damn black.

its an old symbol of christianity, until hitler took it, turned it sideways. and now its associated with Nazi's and the Holocaust.
Deadnight Warrior87 said:
Well, at least we give them an extra day every four years. It's just common courtesy.:lol:

lol nice

its a shame you can tell all of black history in about and hour though...

I guess the rest of the month is for making retarded music, and taking things that dont belong to them...
I thought I'd spotlight a black person everyday, but I think that's too hard so I'll just do it whenever I feel like it.

Today is George Washington Carver:
He dscovered over 200 uses for the peanut, including peanut shampoo and peanut butter.
youd think that a black man would try to iscover 200 ways to use like a watermelon or something not peanuts.. peanuts are more of a fat white guy snack.
actually Peanut butter was invented in 1890 by a St. Louis physician, i forget is name though, but it wasnt george washington carver, i think ill post some white history now.

Although situated in North Africa, Egypt had been settled by three White groupings prior to 3500 BC, namely Old European Mediterranean types, Proto-Nordics and Nordic Indo-Europeans, with the latter group penetrating the territory as part of the great wave of Indo-European invasions which took place from 5600 BC onwards.

Left: Entering Egypt at the time of the great Indo-European migrations from the Black Sea Basin circa 5600 BC, Nordic peoples such as "Ginger" (below) settled the Nile River Valley and laid the basis for what was, by 3000 BC, to become the first Egyptian Dynasty.

Living in typical Neolithic settlements, this period of history is called the pre-dynastic period and is formally considered to have come to an end in 3100 BC.

Racially speaking, the inhabitants of Egypt at this period in time were divided into three groups. Skeletal evidence from grave sites show that the original White Mediterraneans and Proto-Nordics were in a majority in the area - a well preserved body found in a sand grave in Egypt dating from approximately 3000 BC, on display in the British Museum in London, has even been nicknamed "Ginger" because of his red hair - a racial trait only found in persons of Nordic ancestry.

n terms of contemporary time frames, however, the Egyptian state first started formally emerging shortly after the establishment of the civilization between the Tigris and Euphrates river valley.

By the year 3100 BC, a measure of unity had started to take hold in Egypt, coalescing into northern and southern kingdoms. Around that year a dynamic leader named Menes united these northern and southern kingdoms and established a capital city at Memphis on the Nile River. The year 3100 BC therefore marks the start of the Dynastic Period, called the Old Kingdom by historians.

Menes developed the idea of using channels to divert the waters of the Nile to irrigate land - and this irrigation system exists along the Nile River to this day. Menes was such a gifted and charismatic leader that he was later deified by later Egyptians, and a cult developed which pictured him as a direct descendant of the Gods, a tradition which then spread to other pharaohs. It is very likely that the very word "man" originated with Menes.

During the reign of Menes, construction was first started on the greatest city of ancient Egypt, Memphis, which became the capital of this first kingdom. Also about this time, Egyptian pictograph writing appeared, probably inspired by the Sumerian script. The Old Kingdom traded extensively with surrounding lands, obtaining wood from Lebanon and copper from mines in the Sinai peninsula.

Queen Hetop-Heres II, of the Fourth Dynasty, the daughter of Cheops, the builder of the great pyramid, is shown in the colored bas reliefs of her tomb to have been a distinct blonde. Her hair is painted a bright yellow stippled with little red horizontal lines, and her skin is white. (‘The Races of Europe’, Carleton Stevens Coon, New York City, Macmillan. 1939, p.98)

guess those dunes coons arnt so smart after all eh?
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