black metal and fantasy books

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Yes RPGs are great fun!!

My friend is the best DM Ive ever played with, and Ive played with quite a few, but noone even comes close to him.

Some time ago when we were all at level 2, we meat a level 17 rouge, he was evil like hell it self, but he was just supposed to lead us out of a mine and steal a gem that we had.
The gem was a secret key to the tomb of an ancient warrior and his treasures.
The rouge was wearing a shape shifter hat, he was really a spider sort of thing and ate goblins :s

One of the players (a dwarf) asks if he can try his hat on...
He says no and pulls the hat further down over his face.
The dwarf gets angry and rips the hat off his head...suddenly his not the person we knew anymore...
A huge fight follows, the only one standing after the fight is over is me :)
A mighty Paladin!

The rouge escapes with just two HP left :(
Yeah! Bathory rules!
But personelly I prefer Summoning or... Vongraven or... some dark ambient projects => Aghast... Nacht. Something like that.

It changes. If there is dark climat of old casle than I put there some dark muzic as Nacht. If there is a dark forest I put some wood music with lot's of whispers, wind and all of that...

It depends on atmosphere of the session.

I too enjoy Summonings great stuff, Bathory is just not fantasy enough, at least not theor old stuff, havent heard their new stuff yet though.

But Xaplan mate, there is not much wind in the forest :p
Hehe it seems that every single man in Poland (hail, Xaplan!) likes Sapkowski , but he's just a damn good writer.... from polish books i also liked "Tkacz Iluzji" (Illusion Weaver), i remember I almost forgot about the world when i read it.......
And, of course, I've dug through LotR..... a book that makes you feel respect.
Besides that, I yet have to read many books which are considered 'legends of the genre' - Pratchet is on this list.
RPG is a good fun, too. I've played only a few sessions and my party already managed to fuck up an adventure :grin: it was in WFRP
And Summoning rules, of course..... but most of the guys i play with don't like metal :( so all we're gonna use is Diablo soundtrack :grin:
I like reading Tolkien (about the films you can discuss without final ...but btw: I miss Tom Bombadil in the film ,too ;)) and M. Zimmer-Bradley.

There a lot of authors I´ve heart about and I`d like to read the next time...

I`m ill at the I have time to read more than when I have do my things the week...
I find the Baldurs Gate soundtrack (as well as the game) alot better than the Diablo soundtrack...sounds more powerful and mighty :p
ehh... you mean BG1, or 2? Today I've transformed some acm's to wavs from Icewind Dale... nice sounds... so dark...

I much more prefer dark atmosphere than pompastic climates like in BG2 - blah this game sux :) I Much more prefer music from 1... it's better. And one thing. Don't even try to buy music for Neverwinter Nights... totally shit I'm warning you :)

oh yeah, Summoning is awesome...... pity I only got 2 albums :(
BTW Did you notice that in the song The Passing of the Grey Company on Minas Morgul, the keyboard intro is played on some kind of MIDI synthezier (or whatever you call it ) and that makes it sound just like a piece of music from an old computer RPG?

and BTW2, marry xmas - or winter solstice if you like it better :)