black metal and fantasy books



Hi guys,
i'm newbie here...
i'm huge fan of dark music and dark books, so i wonder how do you perceive the relationships between that kind of music and lyrics inspired by fantasy books.
What books do you like to read?
Any fave authors?
dunno, but when i open a discussion about sci-fi and fantasy, it always turns out - everything around Tolkien, i like his books very much...but there's also some great fantasy authors beside him (i think sometimes even better)
Have you heard of Adam Nichols?
btw Pratchet rules!!
have you read his book in collaboration to Neil Gaimen?
Originally posted by Blyfycyfyfyf
I think Terry Prachett and his Discworld are THE BEST!

that's my opinion too :D also i love Sapkowski's books...
J R R Tolkien's masterworks is the only fantasy-stories I've read that you almost really believe in. It becomes a part of the history, like it has happened once for real. No other fantasy-writer I know of has created such a feeling to their works, but I do appreciate the books of Terry Pratchett and David Eddings too.
I must say I have to agree with Guttorm on this one, though there are many good (and great) fantasy authors out there, I feel that noone even comes close to he's fatastic works.

When the word fatasy comes up the first thing that pops into my mind is Tolkien, though I feel it's a bit unfair to Tolkien that the Fellowship of the Ring movie got so populare, and alot of people didnt even bother to read the book...
well' the movie is just amazing - it's like fantasy come true...
but Robert Jordan, Adam Nichols, David Eddings, Raymond Feist have amazing fantasy too.
it's like this,

btw, for those of you who have never read Adam Nichols I recomend you a great book "The war of the Lord Veil" it's amazing!!
Thanks Ivo, Ill check out that book.
About the LoTR trilogy Im hoping that The Two Towers will be better than the Fellowship of the Ring, allthough it was great, it didnt exactly live up to the feeling of the book.
And the worst thing of all, Tom Bombadil wasnt in it...
Originally posted by Aggressor
Thanks Ivo, Ill check out that book.
About the LoTR trilogy Im hoping that The Two Towers will be better than the Fellowship of the Ring, allthough it was great, it didnt exactly live up to the feeling of the book.
And the worst thing of all, Tom Bombadil wasnt in it...
Well, i can describe Adam Nichols as a "cruel" author and that is what i like most in his book, coz some of the writers are pretty merciful and spare most of the cruelty of their stories, i remember my dissapointment reading the last book of LOTR when Frodo & co go back to their hobbit area which is invaded by Saruman's people and he was very merciful for the bad guys, i didn't like that!
Well that is something that annoys me a bit too...the same with movies.
But then again Frodo is a weak person, he is no fighter, he has neither the body nor the mind to be a fighter.
The persons I like the best in LoTR are Boromir and Gimli, simply because they are fighters.

Well... my fav books are: the geat Trilogy - 'LOTR', and 'Wolf Riders' by William King (there are about 8 stories under redaction of William). What else? I like very much my own writings. Now I'm writing a campaign, to Warhammer Fantasy Role Play. Warhammer is dark fantasy and I just love it. It's my whole life... I too like Lovecraft (rather horrors than fantasy), and... let me think... I've read few short stories by Sapkowski, bu they were not enough long to say that there are good, or bad, but Wiedzmin is great film.

Ok, that's all folks!

Best regards.
A friend of mine is a Dungeon Master in Dungeons and Dragons, he comes up with some damn good stories, but never writes any of them down...Im amazed at how good he is at remembering stuff like that in his head, and not to mention come up with it...
heh being a game master, or dungeon master is not as difficult as you think. You must read such story, note to copybook most important facts, and you can play then. But to have a fully control under - that's really difficult. But good DM shuldn't have too much problems with set a good story to his players.

From a real session:

Game master: 'You cross over the bridge and than you see a big marketplace. People are speaking, bartering, trading lots of goods, noone is interested you. Some city guardians are walking though this marketplace, wieldind heleberds, and watching for thieves.' (AD&D - medieval)

Player:' Ok, I'm asking first shopkeeper i meet: Do you have any Metallica T-shirts' :lol:



P.S. Try to play RPG's it's a great fun!