
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. In fact it was probably the most remarkable book ever to come out of the great publishing houses of Ursa Minor - of which no Earthman had ever heard either.

Not only is it a wholly remarkable book, it is also a highly successful one - more popular than the Celestial Home Care Omnibus, better selling than Fifty More Things to do in Zero Gravity, and more controversial than Oolon Colluphid's trilogy of philosophical blockbusters Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes and Who is this God Person Anyway?

In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitch Hiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects. First, it is slightly cheaper; and secondly it has the words Don't Panic inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover."

toolsofthetrade said:
coelho is very nice, but a bit cheese after a while yeh? its good for self reflection i suppose :)

seems that Amorphis' Tales from the Thousand Lakes is based on this finnish book of poems, cant quite recall its title, i believe its Kar(a)vala..

edit: ah here it is, never read it tho


thanks for the link, I had it but lost :) er, the link, not the book.
well, Amorphis has another album based on another great finnish book, the Kanteletar (and the album is Elegy). er, it's not really a book, it's a bunch of finnish folk songs, think they're great :) *er, me -> huge Amorphis-fan :) *
i've read both books about 2-3 times :) but the books I referred to were not like this, but original writings of ppl, and not collected thingies and legends. I like the dramas the best I think, eg there's one where a guy escapes from the prison just to get caught and get back to prison, cause he likes living there. however noone brings him back as noone believes him, damn, I don't know the english title, it has to be something like prison career. now that was the one I laughed my head off at :)
Bambi said:
well researched?? :err:

Read the perfect heresy if you want a factual history of the cathar malarkey.
factual history: I think history is about bringing facts together in a consistent story and that involves evaluating multiple hypotheses - only facts make no history

with well researched I mean that the writers have considered a tremendous amount of resources and were careful not to go into speculation to much
its pseudo history, The whole book rests on speculation. christ became a merovingian and the that line passed from the merovingians to the stewarts?? im sure theres PLENTY of historical evidence to back that up :tickled:

Its a good read but anyone who actually believes it needs their head examined. You might as well look at the x files :hypno:

The hitler diaries were very well researched, doesnt make them any less bullshit

As Alan Moore once almost said, if you use a big enough marker on a map you can make all points correspond to your pattern.
whats the point in all of the above posts, though good point there bambi. how can any1 read that shite though and believe it, whats there to learn from it? who cares like
I care, I enjoy reading the book, I don't "believe" but I am sceptical, which means I don't dismiss any "out-of-the-ordinary" hypothesis without considering the arguments of the authors/researchers - the only thing I believe is that this sceptical attitude should be adopted by scientists much more, since it is a scientific approach by definition
ah oul clive used to be good, i gave up on him after that heapa with the bloke on the boat.

ive actually read bukes recently, i very impressed with meself

Solid foundation: an oral history of reggae
Strategy for defeat:the luftwaffe
Sword and spirit: the classical warrior traditions of japan vol 2
some thing about chinese maritime exploration thats always left in the bog
it depends on what kind of solder you are imo
here every men had to be soldiers for 1/2 year (this is no more, since a couple of months if I'm right) and some friends of mine told me that WAS rather boring sometimes, when they had no command to do but couldn't come home and had to stay in
breaklose said:
how many palestinian kids have you murdered so far?
aaaaaaa you are from the new muslam country -france????
so I understand why you ask
Salam!!! Allah akbar))))))))))
I dont whant speak about politica here
klei said:
how many palestinian kids have you murdered so far?

not more then their terrorists kill our kids, or you forgott the 11 in september?????????
current death toll 2000-2002:

dead Israelis= around 300
dead palestinians= around 1,500

Could someone remind me how many palestinians hijacked those planes? was it none?
the whole issue is bollocks. sharon is a tit, arafat likewise, and so is anyone who will deal death to others for religion's sake. in this case, there is neither good nor bad, just stupid assholes everywhere who can't solve it reasonably. what about the UN? time for a peacekeeping mission i would say.
Ehh, you sort of need to have peace to keep it. Or perhaps you'd like to go down there with a nice blue hat for people to aim for and be told you can only shoot at people if you're absolutely sure they're shooting at you. I have no alternative sollution, but that definately ain't one.