Black Rose Immortal

I enjoy Black Rose Immortal. It's definetly not my favorite Opeth track but still a good one. However, I do feel there are a few awkward pauses and moments in it that give it a not so "whole" feeling. But besides that it's definetly a song that is somewhat mysterious to me, when I listen to it I feel a way that I don't usually when I listen to Opeth, like a feeling of being lost. Maybe I'm just getting to deep but hey...
I like parts of BRI, but the song as a whole isn't really incredible, and not something I'd really have to see live. If Opeth played it, cool, but I'd rather they use those 20 minutes and play 2 songs than just that one.
Blackrose Immortal is an awesome song that demands to be played live at least once for a tour. It would only make perfect sense for them play it exclusively at the Chronology of which I'll be at. Blackrose Immortal represents the old Opeth style almost completely with the beautifully written melodic leads and the harmonized twin guitar playing. May not be the most cohesively structured but alas it's a memorable enduring Opeth classic that every fan secretly enjoys(at least). Every section puts your mind in a different place...a mysterious, dark, atmospheric, majestic, fantastic place. Play it in LA!!!
that or the whole tour, dosen't matter to me. wouldn't be so bad anyway for a regular'll take up two songs only making the set 8 songs roughly. If they're tired or whatever they could just play credence or another damnation song to make it 9 songs. Just a dream...just a dream...besides if they don't play all your favs. they'll be back for another US tour, unless Mikael dies.

p.s. it definitely sounds like it would be one of the easier opeth songs to play. two of my old friends a couple years ago learned all the parts in one day and played it. They needed some brushing up in a couple parts but being as they weren't as good as mikael or peter, one day was impressive. Opeth could take one of their days off and nail this shit.
A good drummer could easily nail any of the songs from the first two albums in a day. I love the easy fill into BRI.

The bass lines might take a while to learn. Especially since Mendez hasn't played them before.
its just a silly song it seems like it was made coz long songs are cool.... it doent fit together in the middle properly and could have just been to shorter songs and its not ther best so why waste their giging time playing a longer, not as good song as some of ther othr stuff u could have 2 good songs insted of BRI
What cuntface said. Well, not really, but I've been looking for an opportunity to say "I agree with that cuntface over there."

I somewhat agree that it was made because length = epic with metal, which is ridiculous to assume. But I read an interview where he said the parts just kept coming, it wasn't a long song just for the sake of being a long song. But I dunno really. No matter what the motives were, I prefer every song on Morningrise more than BRI. The Night And The Silent Water beats it because It's not 200000000 minutes long.
Zivilyn said:
The Night And The Silent Water beats it because It's not 200000000 minutes long.

contidiction: you said lenght has nothing to do with how good a song is, then you say TNATSW is better 'cause it's shorter. :Smug:
Great song, would be interesting to see them play that one sometime in the future. I remember someone saying (Maybe Mike?) that they have played it a few times in the early days but i guess they would like to concentrate on the fresh and new material, something i dont blame them for.
i do think that opeth should try to cut down on the length of ther songs in the next album. as much as i love almost all of ther songs it just seems its all a bit same old and predictable 10 min song starts heavy goes soft in the midle and will go back to heavy at the end they need to be differnt in the next album they did do some differnt stuff in the last album but it still seems to be writin using the 'how to write an opeth song' book by mikeal akerfeldt.

which brings me to the thing about wether ud still listen to opeth if mikeal was not in it. yes he does seem to write most of the songs but u are forgetting that the rest of them are still proffesionals and will have the skills to write good songs. it wouldnt be opeth without mikeal for sure, but they still could be a great metal band.
Braighs said:
contidiction: you said lenght has nothing to do with how good a song is, then you say TNATSW is better 'cause it's shorter. :Smug:

Kind of a half contradiction. I'd rather sit through an average 5 minute song than a below average 10 minute song. In the case of TNATSW, if an extra 5 minutes were added onto it and the extra stuff wasn't that good, I'd like BRI more. I just don't like sitting through a 7 minute period of mediocrity to get to the good parts when I could listen to a 7 minute song that I don't feel like fast forwarding through. Musical ADD.