Black Sabbath Australian tour 2013

Any word yet on the support act? The fact that they're not advertising the tour with one suggests to me that it won't be anyone famous.
Shihad should have stayed at home! The intermission music was more entertaining than them! How the fuck did they get the gig?
I gave Shihad a go, but they didn't appeal to me at all. Sabbath, on the other hand, we're fantastic.
Most of Sabbath were awesome, but...

1) Ozzy was a fucking mess. Slurring though half of the words, singing at time well enough, at other times completely out of key (Snowblind was painful), sometimes way out of time as well.

2) They started about 5 minutes early. Who starts EARLY? That's not very rock n' roll... luckily I only missed the first minute or so of Warpigs but it was an odd decision.

3) The only real solo spot was for the drummer... who is also the only non Black Sabbath member. Work that one out.

4) No "Sweet Leaf" or "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" (other than the intro to "Paranoid"). Dropping "Dirty Women" from the set seems like a no-brainer, and I get the desire to play their new material but "End of the Beginning" probably should have been dropped as well.

I'd still rate it as my favourite gig for the year so far but, even with the ultimate catalog of Sabbath classics to draw on, it paled in comparison to seeing Heaven & Hell with Dio at the helm.
Ozzy was great last Wednesday. Had a few off moments here and there, and struggled with the new stuff but he still sounded great.

Even the drum solo was great.

One of the top 3 gigs ever for mine. I loved it.
Great gig. I thought Ozzy was great apart from being not very confident on the new tracks and his throat blowing out a couple of times. He was pretty with it though, especially compared to when I saw him in 2007, which was embarrassing. God is Dead? is a great track and has been in my head all week. Good setlist too, I quite like Dirty Women.

Not the 10/10 gig that I saw from them last year at Donnington, but still great.
Sounds like his voice didn't hold out as well on Wednesday as it did on Monday. I think a great time was had by all who went to either show though.

I've seen more extreme bands, but man they were heavy as fuck. If I was a teenager in 1974 I think I would have worshiped the ground they walked on.