Block Letter 5150 + ??? 4x12 = FTMFW


Oct 15, 2008
Hey guys.

I'm taking ownership of a block letter 5150 today. So i'm officially looking for a cab to go with it. (and an attenuator.. lol)

Orange? Mesa Std? Mesa OS? Bogner? Vader?
Totally depends on the tone you want. If you want to generic tone that everyone and their dog wants, because its safe and yields good results, Mesa OS is the way to go. If you want something different, Bogner (standard and uberkab) and Orange (PPC412) are the first things I think of, which will be more mid heavy and generally tighter in the low end. You can't forget about Marshall, though, if you have the money for something nice, Marshall would be the last thing on my mind.
Yeh i'm going to give Marshall a miss. I've played around with Impulses alot over the last couple of years. Bogner would be lovely. No idea how i'd go about buying one.. 2nd hand would be ideal, for obvious reasons.

Any point thinking about a nice closed back 2x12? I'm not playing live at the moment, and the added portablility would be nice (i could take the rig over to jam with a mate etc).
The only thing 212s have over 412s is portability. The "412s are too loud, I want a 212" is purely myth. But yes having a 60lb cabinet over a 110+lb cabinet is a lot easier to deal with.

Where do you live. If you really have bogner in mind they are super easy and cheap to get in the US, a little but more difficult in EU, but the used market shouldn't be to hard to find. Ebay is your friend.
+1 to Orange PPC412. I run it with my 6505 and it sounds amazing.

As for attenuators- Weber MASS 150 all the way. Makes the 6505 usable when not wanting to kill any small animals in the area