Bloodbath is bakk!!!

even though the choice is already made, as it was said here, i still hope that Tomas Lindberg is the one who will take the vocals duties, he fits perfectly Bloodbath. and honestly, Mike is damn great and you won't find his equal, but i really don't see other right replacement (in the swedish death metal scene and that's we're talking about) than Tompa!

and does anyone know some more details about that eventual CM tour (Nightrage + Bloodbath + Dark Tranquillity, etc)?
I can't see how he wouldn't fit Bloodbath.
If the new album is going to be Cannibal-Corpse-ish, then sure, Lindberg's ATG-ish screams won't fit in, but there's no telling what fucking else he's capable of. Screams are out? Okay, he'll growl.

Growls and screams aren't that different techniques, after all, if done properly.
commandante said:
Seriously though, Asa can you enlighten us? Is it Rogga? Because I know he was dying to get the Bloodbath gig from the few messages he posted on the Swano board...

I think that this would be a great thing, Rogga is a very good growler (listen what have done in Paganizer or EoS' Crimson II), but he doesn't fit into the description:

a replacement is already found in one of the biggest names in the scene

It's a pity 'cause it would be killer :rock: