BLOODBATH: New Album Title, Release Date Revealed

I just realized how big of a dick I look like in this thread, I mean no harm. Words on a computer screen can be decieving. I wish there were some sounds up!!!!
Ozzloaf:no, no previews yet. don't know if I'll listen to them when there are some, it might spoil the surprise thing when I listen to the whole album.

I think Blasting the Virginborn is slowly becoming my favourite track on unblessing the purity after all, it's so intense. Mouth of empty praise is fekking awesome though too.
So has anyone here heard the album yet? Friend of the band, journalist or someone who works for Peaceville perhaps? If yes then some comments would be great. I think we all agree, right? Is it as good as their previous material, how's the sound of it and have they thrown some new elements into their music?

I'm pretty sure the album delivers but I also think you gotta always be at least little doubtful.
I wouldn't want to know that.. opinions are like anuses, everyone has one. I'd rather listen to two samples max, and then listen to the album properly when it comes out.

Blasting and Mouth are zee best on the EP imo.
I'm not gonna download it. I've made that mistake before, and when I bought the album I just didn't feel that good listening to it.
However, I'd like to hear a few samples, just to get an idea of what the album sounds like :D