Bloodbath Street Team...

Lord_AgathoN said:
Speaking of shirts............wasnt it possible to get the Bloodbath Red Logo T-Shirt in large? Or did i miss somethin?
The red logo shirt is sold out and it'll not be re-printed since it was mainly for the die hards of the underground = ltd edition. the new shirts are a great alternative and look great.
deliverance said:
since this topic is lame, let me just say instead, that Enslaved - Reogenesis is a fucking good song. that riff, FUCKKKKKKKKKk.

I can't help but laugh everytime I look at your avatar. :tickled:
The new shirts look awesome, but they are so expensive. It comes up to something like 41$ Canadian. But the good thing is I got my hands on a LMT edition red logo before they changed the currency to Euros. :hotjump:
zeroMaximum said:
oh btw, for how long have the limited edition-shirts been sold out? I've been meaning to get one for like more than half a year. man do I feel stupid ;o

Theres a few left in Medium, check out the site or Blakkies auctions on Ebay.
How limited are these runs of t-shirts?

I got one of the limited white logo ones ages ago and have been curious about how many there are of each since I saw that the red ones were to be limited as well.

Referring back to the original topic of this thread, I am a member of the UK Century Media "Street Team" as they call it. I am pleased to be a part of it as well. I am not some young kid that stands on street corners handing out fliers. I do not need to (and at 31, I am not really a kid anymore). People come and collect these things from me at the places that I DJ. I am regularly requested for Bloodbath stuff and am more than happy to play these requests for people. My friends and punters include all sorts of people from throughout the music industry as well, be they in bands, manager, promoters or working for labels. It does not take much for the word of such quality bands as Bloodbath to spread.

I did not discover Bloodbath until the release of "In The Eyes Of Death II" and was really pissed off that I had not been made aware earlier. As a huge fan of Katatonia, Opeth and much of the Swanö output for many years it was more of a dream come true for me than Brave Murder Day. I probably missed them because I do not trawl chatrooms and forums regularly, nor do I read every word of Terrorizer any more. I no longer have the time to do these things that I did in my youth, I work full time and DJ metal nights at least once a week.

The word is spreading and I think it is a good thing. Afterall, why keep things a secret?

Sorry, rant over. Feel free to condemn me if you will...
Just reading back over that, I neglected to point out that because of my membership of this "street team", I was able to put about 80 -100 free CDs directly in the hands of the people that are really interested in the music. That was the last promo night in September. The CM mailing lists have similarly benefitted.

It is perhaps a little closed minded of some to dismiss this kind of things as Kid's Stuff. Dare I say, a little elitist too...
AlexGuinness said:
I was able to put about 80 -100 free CDs directly in the hands of the people that are really interested in the music. That was the last promo night in September.
Noooo! :cry: I really would've loved to be at one of them promo night thingies, none quite close enough to N. Ireland to suit my budget though, and wasn't entirely clear about the details either. Would've been more than willing to joing the CM street team if that's what it took to be involved.
I'd only play Bloodbath to trendies to scare the fuck out of them, playing it at Metal nights usually means playing it to that sort of audiance (who think tonkpils are metal and that Metallica are still good). as for my Real Metalhead friends... well one of them got ME into Bloodbath and the others were well informed by this same guy. I don'thave the money to buy Terrorizer and I don't listen to their opinions anymore but I buy it everytime they do sample CD's and I go on lable sites to look for free MP3's for my "albums to buy" playlist, every month I buy the albums which correspond to the top 3 most palyed tracks from that.

Wear obscure T's thats the way to promote bands and even meet them, plenty of people at Bloodstock asked me "who the fuck are ...And Oceans" and on the second day I got stopped by some guys at a stand who noticed that I was wearing a Detrimentum T-shirt, one of which was Rushy, Detrimentum's drummer who was just pleased to see that "someone was pissed enough to like us enough to buy our 2 quid t shirts"

deliverance: its NEOgenesis, sorry but I'm getting sick of everyone making that mistake, it may be in an odd font but still... of course you are right that album is an all time great and my pick of last years albums

AlexGuinness: Everyone is elitist or we wouldn't have taste in music. Good to see someone else has discovered Cemetary of Scream (and they don't have any promotion at all over here in the UK)
Baletempest said:
deliverance: its NEOgenesis, sorry but I'm getting sick of everyone making that mistake, it may be in an odd font but still... of course you are right that album is an all time great and my pick of last years albums

well i dl'ed the album, i don't have the actual cd. so i just read the title off how the mp3 was labeled. however, i just repaired it haha.