Blooddrunk US Tour w/ TBDM & BTBAM

I just got back from a wild Columbus show, I fought my way to the front and battled my way to center front right in front of Alexi and Hennka. Many crowd surfers and mosh pits, I got caught in many pits but fought for the center front. I enjoyed the songs off of Hatebreeder the most like Bed of Razors and Downfall. The others off of Bloodrunk were decent, the sound was decent could of been a little louder guitar. Overall not very packed venue, except for floor were the mosh pits were. I saw a big oaf jump on top of the crowd and get dropped, it was hilarious. Overall the energy was high and I had a blast.
aahhh sounds like a gud time !! Just cant wait till they do the europe tour as support 4 Slipknot, wont be nearly the same, but just to see them ! omg !!
COB blogpost:

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Message from Roope!

Couple of rough​ night​s on the bus. We'​ve had the finge​r fairy​ visit​ us at night​.​ Alway​s choos​es one finge​r on my left hand and cuts it. Takes​ the strin​g right​ to the bone when I play.​ I had to fix it with Crazy​ Glue.​ Tomor​row is our day off and we are going​ to check​ out Amorp​his and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.​ Hopef​ully I'll have a chanc​e to fire the finge​r fairy​.​ Don'​t do what I do.
For those of you confused about the finger fairy, here, Mitch explains it well:
He's got a cut on his finger so when he plays guitar, the string goes into his cut and hurts like a MOTHERFUCKER. He's putting super glue on his cut so when a string runs underneath it, he can't feel it.

and here are some pics I took from the Sept. 19th show. the quality isn't so good cuz it was taken with my phone and it was very hard to stand still while holding the phone, lots of pushing up in the front.

this pic is awesome, it's Roope walking across the stage:

and here is one after the show when Janne came up to greet a few of us who were waiting:
ahhh! Fucking caught roope's pick at the pontiac, MI show. If anyone was there i was in the dead center trying to hold on to the gate in the front. Perfect show, played all the best songs like Angels Dont Kill, Downfall, Everytime I Die, and Hate Me! Though I hate Slipknot, I will definately consider going just for Bodom later. And Black Dahlia was fucking awsome too. H E A R T B U R N XD