Blooddrunk US Tour w/ TBDM & BTBAM

Its ok Nikki...I took some pictures after all. You missed the crazy pictures that were taken after you left though. :) I didn't get home until 5:30 and I slept until 7. Here I am at work and I'm mostly ok. I'm still deaf in my left ear though which I suppose isn't too good. The ringing hasn't stop either. Its kinda ok cause my 6 years that I have today are such chatter boxes that I'm glad I can only hear half the level of noise :lol:
lol " I dont fcking know !!11" lol great vids Nikki ! Must have been a blast !!

So, that was the end of the US tour then. Comming back to Europe the 7th of Nov for the Euro tour with Slippyknot. Finally !!
I was gonna be at the Philly date but I decided not to go. I was feeling like shit and got a call from a stagehand saying that if I went in, I was gonna be working with some real pieces of work... and til probably 3am. Got the low-down on how the day was going around 4pm... I didn't have the patience or energy to be dealing with some newly worsened rock star attitudes. Last time they were at my venue in April, Jaska and Roope were the only pleasant people to be around. Janne was a total, complete douche to everyone around him, Alexi ignored most people and Henkka was nowhere to be found most of the night in exception of just after their set and after he showered. When he appeared he was silent and blew me off til he realized I was holding a wad of cash looking for their tour manager. These were the attitudes I saw and they were only main support. In Flames was headlining!

I honestly can't say I was star-struck or all that impressed. Although two of them were nice to me and talking a bit, they didn't strike me as people I'd actually wanna hang with all the time. Yes, they were nice, but I was kinda bored. I guess it's different from my perspective, or I just have weird taste in people... idk. I committed the ultimate cob forum sin and opted out of finishing the night with Bodom for talking to Jesper, who approached ME, and we had a 2 hour discussion about politics and ethics til we swapped numbers and had to leave the building.

I'm a sinner. I know.

Anyway, I saved myself the grief and I'm saving my sanity for Danzig and Dimmu on Tuesday, which I'm obligated to work. Fuck. I'll be taking my attitude repellent, pepper spray and blade with me!
All of the guys are nice, Janne just has his moods, so yeah :lol: Sometimes he seems like a dick, other times he's funny/nice. You gotta realize they are on the road all the time and deal with a lot of fucking stupid people. Alexi, it must be the worst for him so :lol: I don't blame him for ignoring everyone.

Also I forgot you think you're going to be raped by DB.
@Joe- Yeah I'm sure Janne has his moods, they deal with stupid people, etc... but mainly I'm referring to how they were throughout the entire day. Seriously, majority of bands I've worked with or have been backstage with under professional circumstances have different personae for different times of the day/evening. When it's early and it's no one but the tour and house workers in the venue, when there's not a single fan, interviewer, label rep, etc around most of these band members act differently than they do when they're onstage or meeting fans. Some people are genuine and stay the same (nice or not) all day and night regardless of what's happening, but a lot change their tune at least slightly when it's literally an unspoken part of their job to make someone happy. No, they don't HAVE to make everyone happy. Sure they have a growing fanbase, increasing publicity, respectable status, etc which gives them the option to say fuck you to someone they don't feel like dealing with, but it's not smart. If a band's at the point where they have all these things, they've been around long enough to know at any given moment it could be over and it's best to at least make an effort to make a customer happy. Now if they're douches all the time regardless, chances are they've got their heads too far up their asses to realized they're gonna piss off the wrong person. Bodom didn't know I am/was a fan of the band, they didn't know I even knew what their names were til the very end of the night when I was done my work, had long before made first impressions, and started socializing. As far as they were concerned I was a worker and nothing more. No reason to impress me.

and yea, there is a chance I could have a problem with Vortex. Citing the fact that he and Galder tried to rape my friend while roadies pushed her fiance off the bus.

@Nikki- True, but you gotta remember the circumstances under which you see them. Not only are you a fan, but you're also a girl. It DOES make a difference when you're surrounded by dudes most of the time.
Oh!! Btw, forgot to tell you- Suffocation def tried to recruit me to be their "merch girl for the night", wayyyy after the show was over in NY... when I answered their "who are you with?" question I heard the "oh fuck" and "dudes she's off-limits" hehe. The initiator was a dude with long dark curly hair... if that means anything to you. I have no idea who's who in that band, I didn't bother watching them.
@Nikki- True, but you gotta remember the circumstances under which you see them. Not only are you a fan, but you're also a girl. It DOES make a difference when you're surrounded by dudes most of the time.
Oh!! Btw, forgot to tell you- Suffocation def tried to recruit me to be their "merch girl for the night", wayyyy after the show was over in NY... when I answered their "who are you with?" question I heard the "oh fuck" and "dudes she's off-limits" hehe. The initiator was a dude with long dark curly hair... if that means anything to you. I have no idea who's who in that band, I didn't bother watching them.

Understandable, but in the past two days I've become honorary friend :lol: Again, using Phil in here, they've always been awesome to him,too, and my other guy friends.

I think you told me something about those Suffocation guys, they're really cool, and yes, that was Guy. Who happens to be a good friend of mine.
and yea, there is a chance I could have a problem with Vortex. Citing the fact that he and Galder tried to rape my friend while roadies pushed her fiance off the bus.

Slander train! WOO-WOO! Besides Galder isn't going to be on this tour he just had a kid so someone is replacing him and Vortex had a kid around the time you claimed he tried to rape your friend so :lol:
went to Worchester show got there right before BTBAM played. Awesome time. BTBAM was a confusing band for me. They were pretty good but at points in the songs it seemed like the guys were playing completely different songs.

Black Dahlia wore Skooby Doo costumes all show. Trevor had a skooby doo head on and it was hilarious. they were a little sloppy at the beginning of the show but picked it up and fucking killed it.

COB was awesome of course. had problems with his key board so they had to switch to a back up board. once the change was made played the hell out of it while consuming a lot of alcohol. 3rd time i have seen COB and they played very well.

All in all good night.
are they switching up the opening bands? because when i saw them, Between the Buried and Me got the long/second set, and Black DAhlia opened.