Bodom On Uranium - Video

The girl is a bit :hypno: ... But, who am I to criticize her? :erk:

Anyway, the video's cool! Nice to hear Janne speaking english! It's always Allu... :tickled:
Thanks for sharing guys! U rock! :rock: :rock:
I propose a movement for every one to stop referring to Alexi as Allu. You don't know him personally and if he wanted you to call him that he would introduce himself that way. Stop trying to sound like you're more "in" with the band. Fuckin' bitches.
What's funny is you're all raising the speed issue rather than just being greatful to Zakk for taking the time to rip this.
CephalicExodus said:
Well, the majority of American citizens (mostly in the South) are completely moronic genetic defectives. American media caters to their stupid bullshit because thats what brings in the ratings. TV in America is getting worse and worse, to the point where anyone with at least a reasonable amount of intellect just can't fucking watch it.

way to stereotype smart guy. as a man supposedly not as brainwashed by the media as most people i would think you would recognize that all those southerners you see on the news are handpicked for their accent and lack of ability to form a coherent sentence. just like they pick the most smart ass hothead from the north. there are idiots everywhere.
oneshotendsthiswar said:
way to stereotype smart guy. as a man supposedly not as brainwashed by the media as most people i would think you would recognize that all those southerners you see on the news are handpicked for their accent and lack of ability to form a coherent sentence. just like they pick the most smart ass hothead from the north. there are idiots everywhere.

agreed. stupid people are the majority everywhere, i was wrong to stereotype... however, look at all the red states...... :err:
gkelter said:
I propose a movement for every one to stop referring to Alexi as Allu. You don't know him personally and if he wanted you to call him that he would introduce himself that way. Stop trying to sound like you're more "in" with the band. Fuckin' bitches.
Do you think you're his friend or something when you call him by his first name? We humble inferior people should refer the allmighty God as "Mr. Alexi Laiho", nothing else.

I propose a movement for you to chill the fuck out.

Sorry if I sounded hostile; I know you're a good guy but that was just ridiculous.
gkelter said:
I propose a movement for every one to stop referring to Alexi as Allu. You don't know him personally and if he wanted you to call him that he would introduce himself that way. Stop trying to sound like you're more "in" with the band. Fuckin' bitches.

Did anyone ever tell u u'r a bit of a moron? Cause that is just way unnecessary! It'd have been better if u hadn't say anything at all concering shortening names...

We know we're not !in" with the band! I have never met them! But just because of that u can't call them what u want to? U can try to be nice with them? If u seriously think u can't, than, just fuck off!
thanks nice video : )
but i would be happy if you would post a video where they play a song ; )
nah its great : )