Bodom or Kalmah

Aug 3, 2003
Which band do you guys think is overall better. As much as I love CoB, I've been listening to a lot of Swamplord this week and I think my vote would have to go to Kalmah. Discuss.
i just bought swamplord recently and thats a fucking great album, but a lot of it just sounds the same to me. also alexi plays much cleaner than the guys from kalmah. doesnt it sound like they fuck up in the first part of hades?
I dont know. . tough call

kalmah may have a bit more creative songwriting and lyrics, but alexi's solos are crisper and cut through a little more.

but all in all

Kalmah > Norther
Not Another Kalmah Vs Children of Bodom thread.

I don't believe you can say who is better than one another talent wise, unless they play the same type of music, or play the same songs, because both of their styles are very different.

However, if the question is being asked about who I like better, I would have to say Kalmah. No disrespect to CoB seeing how we are all saying Kalmah is better ON THE CHILDREN OF BODOM BOARD, I love CoB, I just like the Kalmah sound better. Sorry Bodom Dudes.
To gregofbodom, don't you think that if they fucked up at the begining of Hades they would have fixed it seeing how you can do those things when you record, but they must have liked it since it made the final mix.
gregofbodom said:
i just bought swamplord recently and thats a fucking great album, but a lot of it just sounds the same to me. also alexi plays much cleaner than the guys from kalmah. doesnt it sound like they fuck up in the first part of hades?

Kalmah has a rawer sound. And there's no fucking up there that I can hear. Time?
yeah well i agree with you arch enemy, but theres clearly some kind of weird little thing in there. its literally within the first 7 seconds, i think its like at 0:02 in the song, nothing huge, just could be cleaner i think. its right before the bass hits the c note.
Kalmah has some fucking awesome music, as does Bodom, same with Skyfire.

I listen to bodom a hell of a lot more than the other two bands mentioned here, though.
I never even listened to Kalmah really but I heard good things about them, and I saw their Swampsong album in Borders the other day, good fucking choice by me.

It has yet to leave my cd player. Tordah is by far my favorite track on that album.