What band(s) would you love bodom to tour with?

Touring with Arch Enemy would be great cuz they are both in the extreme metal genre with melodic guitars and deadly vocals. Another good band they should tour with is Moonspell or Paths of Possession.
Authentic Metalhead said:
Hell, I'd rather CoB tour by themselves so they can have a full-length set.
yeah, when i saw cob it was for an hour...way too short! It would be ultimatley awesome to see a full lenth show of just bodom:rock:
Metalwitch: An hour? at least that's better than only 45 mins!

I like her voice. It's really good but i get where you're coming from. A lot of times their music is slow and her voice doesn't have that much variation.
I agree but I still love Arch Enemy enough to listen to a few songs from them everyday. Also I amen Moonspell to tour with Children Of Bodom. Now that would rock. Would be nice to get some more Moonspell fans.

Also Children Of Bodom should tour with Nevermore. I dunno why I just want to see them both together.