Bodom clones?

Can someone clear up why Naglfar where mentioned back earlier here? Ehm, guess there's a few bands who all got the same name but the one I've heard sure haven't sounded anything like CoB...
whatsinaname said:
you're a bloody moron jazie, kalmah is not a copy of CoB, I got extremely fucking angry when i saw their cd with a sticker on it in a local music shop "sounds like CoB"

They sound nothing like CoB,
It's like saying britney spears and dream theater sound the same because in some aspect guitars are used, what a joke.

Dumb comment ... really really dumb ...

whatsinaname said:
CoB are gods because they are part of the "melodic metal" scene? give me a break man, Grow up a little and you will see no band deserves credit for creating a genre (CoB DID NOT CREATE A GENRE!!!) bands have their own sound! CoB and Kalmah are different.

So ... in 97 what other bands played black/death/speed/neoclassical metal like cob ?

and why didnt kalmah and norther released albums back then ?

whatsinaname said:
Have you ever heard of Eternal Tears Of Sorrow, kalmah are part of this/were part.....etc etc, members left, bands broke up. If you have heard Etos, you would realise that a band such as Kalmah don't need to rip off another band, they can actually come up with their own music, they don't need other peoples force fed dribble. So have you ever heard of the band?, yes they are basically the kalmah members, can i stop writing now?

Don't make such statements until you know the facts.

ETOS and Kalmah didnt share the main songwriters ... Don't make such statements until you know the facts.

whatsinaname said:
CoB aren't gods man!, There are plenty of other bands who are trying just as hard and are getting labelled as rip offs, fucking leave them to make their own music

Originality is what makes music evolve ... so, if i make an 80's thrash band i wont contribute to music at all ... same thing whith a "melodic death metal band" ... it will be just one more band ... and cob aren't gods thats true

whatsinaname said:
Edit: Oh, to all the people saying Bodom are so "unique", yes they have their own sound, no doubt about it, but they are not so unique in the sense that they "borrow" so many riffs from other artists. THEY ARE TALENTED, BUT ARE NOT GODS OF MUSIC!, fucking hell, wake up, there are so many struggling artists that will not make it because the "population" won't support them. CoB have immense talent, but realise they are not so original as alot of you make them out to be....

Well bodom is not unique anymore since bands mentioned here showed up ... 80's metallica isnt unique anymore too ... but that stuff about cob stealing riffs its right ... they should stop it ... and youre right they are not the gods of music ... so fanboys grow up ! ... hm and what's unique about kalmah ?

whatsinaname said:
hmmm now we wait for the "fuck you, CoB fucking rock, fuck you!" "man HCDR rullllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucK" comments......enlighten us...

... you do have some good points in you argument ... but that britney spears exagerated thing was really retarded ... so ill give you a 4/10 score for you comments ...
I still love Kalmah and don't consider them to be Bodom clones. A buddy of mine read that Kalmah actually had that sound on their earlier demos before Bodom did. Either way, great band & awsome musicians
First of all, 'clone' is a retarded word to use with such things, and it gets on my tits when people keep calling bands 'clones' of others. Do you know what the word 'clone' means?
Music is music.. Metal is metal, there obviously needs to be similarities in the bands associated with a certain spectrum of the music world; and futhermore with specific sub-spectrum classifications.
It is natural for bands to sound similar in this type of music; each of us would be a fan of a single band otherwise.
Wake up and quit arguing

I have not heard Kalmah myself; as for Norther, they certainly sound similar to CoB and they do kick ass, but they're not as good as CoB is.
.I think that when you are more familiar with a band or Music, it changes everything. Meaning, your first time hearing COB and right away you hear Kalmah or Norther for the first time... I wouldn't blame you for thinking they sound the same, or at least similar... But I also wouldnt' blame you if it was your first time hearing Vomitory (which by no means whatsoever do they sound like either of those bands) and thinking they sound like COB or something. You have to actually LISTEN to something to really say who/what it sounds like and what it doesn't.
It's IMPOSSIBLE to not sound similar to something. There is always at least ONE factor in Music that is the same in every type of Music, or at least another type of Music.
Clone is definetely a very poor choice of word for it... But I guess that's irrelevant.
I like Kalmah, I like Norther. But I like COB much more, and I don't think they are much like eachother in sound, but I guess that's cause I'm familiar with them all. They have guitars, keyboards, drums, bass, and vocals. That's something similar. But that's about it.
Fuck this shit... okay, Norther and the first Throne of Chaos did really remind me of CoB at first... but who cares? That doesn't make them rip-offs...
It is not because two bands play a same style that one of them is a rip-off, because of only releasing later... plain stupid... and if everyone would think this way, music industry would be as dull and dead as it could be... with only one band per genre? And really, don't be mistaken that CoB would really have been the first in their genre... (although you can put them in such a small box, that it would make them really the first band in this box!! but then Norther wouldn't fit into that box anymore...)

Saying Kalmah sounds like CoB is just plain narrow-minded... If you have ever listened to Eternal Tears of Sorrow (EtoS) and also to Kalmah, then and only then you will realize your mistake... Kalmah reminded me of EtoS the first time I heard of them, not of CoB. And that was before I even knew that there has been a lot of mixing in the members between Kalmah and EtoS!!! So stupid points as to say that they don't share the same songwriters really suck... It's partly the songwriters that make the music, true, but it is MAINLY the musicians!!

And oh my god, a lot of the instruments used are the same type as CoB uses.... good god, KILL THEM!!! ;)

Btw: any comments on Warmen and CoB and Sinergy and..., anyone? Be my guest
If im a fan of cob and I start a band do u expect me to create disco music? Or rock music? Ill defenetly focus on metal music similar to cob one. And who cares? Maybe those guys have their own style?

While id listened to Kalmah i found some parts that reminded my some of Iron Maiden... and does that mean something? No :)