Bodom or Kalmah

Bah, they're all good. I can't really rate one better than the other because I like both of them. Kalmah has alot more years under their belt over what bodom has. Kalmah has been around since the 80's if I am not mistaken, saw it in an interveiw.. you know how accurate those can be though. Given the fact that Bodom has blown the sales of Kalmah out of the water I would think overall bodom might be better but for my personal opinion I like them the same.

Metal Forever!
I don't see how number of sales can determain who is better, number of sales just show how many people really know about them, because i am sure if a hell of alot more people knew about Kalmah, the sales might be closer, say if everyone who knows about Bodom knew about Kalmah would make it more equal, because surely they all don't, and Janne said it himself, he never heard Kalmah, so that sales point makes no sense.
arch_enemy666 said:
I don't see how number of sales can determain who is better, number of sales just show how many people really know about them, because i am sure if a hell of alot more people knew about Kalmah, the sales might be closer, say if everyone who knows about Bodom knew about Kalmah would make it more equal, because surely they all don't, and Janne said it himself, he never heard Kalmah, so that sales point makes no sense.
Number of sales in itself cannot, however given the number of years Kalmah has been around as compared to bodom, either they are very unlucky or else bodom caught more peoples eyes than Kalmah. Either wya I'm not going to argue this because you are right, I was just stating that if more people thought that kalmah was better than bodom you would think more people would know of them through word of mouth promotion.

But no, sales in itself cannot determine this, hence why I would rather go by my opinions.
Alright, as HCDR said before, the brothers from Kalmah do have great writing, I love their style of melodic metal and I've liked them for awhile now. The thing is, yes, they get very repetitious and repeat the same melodies over and over again, which is fine for it's genre, but still lacks the ingenuity of Alexi's writing in COB. Furthermore, Kalmah, while having awesome solo's have more of a raw feel ot their soloing, and honestly I don't really like the way they shred sometimes. It's almost too raw as though they just didn't feel like perfecting it (Even though it did make it to the final cut, and it probably is the feel they wanted).

Alexi on the other hand serioulsy just writes kick ass riffs, dynamic solos and just blows you away, not to mention his own vocal stylings amidst so many others that sound the same. I just think that COB is a better band, both creatively and just listening to them to enjoy it.

Although, I have discovered that listening to Kalmah while driving to my girlfriend's house is fucking awesome. It's great driving music. And Heroes to Us, Hades, Alteration, and Swamphell are awesome. So are many other songs.
A while ago I asked Jarmo if he had projects in the work, he said yes but its to small to talk about yet, and Kalmah was started befor the two guys even joined etos or three Because Pete was in Kalmah too.

EToS > Kalmah > CoB
arch_enemy666 said:
A while ago I asked Jarmo if he had projects in the work, he said yes but its to small to talk about yet, and Kalmah was started befor the two guys even joined etos or three Because Pete was in Kalmah too.

EToS > Kalmah > CoB

Same here, but I haven't talked with him in almost a year, so I dunno. He didn't tell me too much about it either. Only that he was tuned in B :p