Bodom or Kalmah

I think i like both the same, CoB gets rediculously annoying at times, but kalmah holds its power. I love coming back from a nap or something quiet and blasting some CoB though.
Tough CHoice.
I like both the same.

Opeth fucking rules by the way, nice sig up there ^ lewis black owns too.
why would you want CoB to open over Norther? Damn, CoB would have such a better set than Norther.

I got a hold of another Kalmah cd, and i like it better than the other one i have (just picked up swamplord, already had swampsong). Swamplord is a lot better than Swampsong, you can actually tell the songs apart from each other. It still isnt better than CoB though.

I like CoB better than Skyfire too, and better than all of those other melodeath bands listed. the order i would have from opener to headline would be
1. Norther
2. Skyfire
3. Kalmah
4. CoB

I definitely want to see CoB headline in the states. That would be a pretty good concert, but i would like more variety.
did someone just say cob is turning punk...i hope your joking...just tell me you are joking. cob is so far from punk its rediculous. they rnt goin into any less of a metal direction either. you are a retard. every cob album is diferent..every song is diferent, what are you talking about same shit?

anywho..i prefer bodom, but kalmah is still very good, and i agree that each of cobs songs stand out more than kalmah songs.
id say if it came down to it, i like kalmah better, but i think i like Ensiferum more than nother, kalmah and bodom, i think of all those finnish bands, my favorites go, 1ensiferum, 2kalmh, 3norther, 4bodom, i just cant get enough of ensiferums folk melodies, and their over sound is insane, i listen to the other band much more than bodom, because there are a lot of faggots listening to bodom now adays, and its annoying, but id say hatebreeder will always be bodoms finest moment, top 10 album for me fors ure
HauknessX said:
did someone just say cob is turning punk...i hope your joking...just tell me you are joking. cob is so far from punk its rediculous. they rnt goin into any less of a metal direction either. you are a retard. every cob album is diferent..every song is diferent, what are you talking about same shit?

About the punk thing; watch the milwaukee 2000 vid first and then watch the tuska 2003 vid and draw your own conclusion!

By the way, they're already on trash now, so...
ya...i believe ive seen both videos...whats your point?

and for the person that said there are a lot of faggots listening to bodom, that shouldnt determine if you listen to them or not, if you like them great, if you dont then thats fine too, but dont not like them cause of of other people.
I think Bodom is starting to sound like the old Slipknot (yuckkkkk!) especially trashed lost and strungout, the riffs are alot like some old slipknot i listened to in the 5th grade
HauknessX said:
ya...i believe ive seen both videos...whats your point?

and for the person that said there are a lot of faggots listening to bodom, that shouldnt determine if you listen to them or not, if you like them great, if you dont then thats fine too, but dont not like them cause of of other people.

oh thast not waht i meant at all, i love bodom, but i was saying they are getting trendy, and its more like i covet the other bands more because they are very underground, and if i listen to them, most random idiots will just think im listening to bodom, thats how dumb people are, but in no way do i listen/not listen to music because of other people, otherwise i wouldnt be a metalhead