Bodom or Kalmah

Carcass also tuned in B, Hypocrisy and Arch Enemy sometimes too. Just use 013 strings,not spaghetti :)
I myself prefer 010 regular, anyhow, to be able to cover those bands, maybe I should get 013 someday...
Bah you vaginas!

Here is the answer "GHS electrics"
Zakk Wylde signature series Boomers:
010 013 017 dy36 dy52 dy60 If you are a seven string slinger sucha as myself just pop in a 024 and of you go!

*airguitars madly!*
(way out of tune of course)
Overall, CoB is better

Here is the breakdown:

-CoB have more Talented guitar. Better solos, and more thought out riffs

-CoB have better keyboards that fit the music better. Janne is one of the greates keyboardists to ever hit the metal scene, period. He has so much talent and speed and writes the best stuff. Janne and Alexi just go together like bread and butter, the keyboards and guitar and Kalmah clash a little and dont go together too well. They get rather repetitive (more than CoB) and each song sounds very similar, with their moods being almost identicle.

-Kalmah has a better drummer. I have to say thats the only thing that they have over CoB. He is a better drummer, blends a little better with the other guys, and plays better fills. Has faster bass lines and has a really full sound.

-Bass guitarist, actually, i might say that kalmahs might be better. I lke his style and hear him often. But CoBs bass lines fit perfectly, so it is really tough. I might go with a tie here, so i will just say undecided. contradictory it may be, but at the end its still undecided, i made up my mind while typing this.

-Now Vocals, im definitely going to have to go with CoB in this situation. I just love his voice, Kalmahs is a little more boring and isnt as talented.

So CoB is defintely a better band. Their cds are more unique, songs are more thought out and sound better. They are less repetitive and have better melodies. Sorry to all you bodom fans who voted for Kalmah, but they definitely arent better.

edited for readability.
I have no problem with repetitivnessof melodies (if they are good enough whats wrong with hearing it more than once), or songs sounding the same. I listen to a band because I like the sound, and although some bands do need to progress in songwriting, I do not believe kalmah needs to. I like their sound, I like the rawness, the speed, and everything not going together like bread and butter. Its different and unique and thats why I chose Kalmah.
arch_enemy666 said:
I have no problem with repetitivnessof melodies (if they are good enough whats wrong with hearing it more than once), or songs sounding the same. I listen to a band because I like the sound, and although some bands do need to progress in songwriting, I do not believe kalmah needs to. I like their sound, I like the rawness, the speed, and everything not going together like bread and butter. Its different and unique and thats why I chose Kalmah.

so if a band finds one good melody and keeps writing songs around it you would listen to them? Thats pretty fuckin weak. I hate when shit all sounds the same, i like variety. When i listen to a cd, i want to be able to distinguish the sound of track 1 to track 5. I cant believe so many people choose kalmah, bodom is so much better.
You can't really compare bodom and kalmah, because although they are very similar they are also very different.

But between the two I would say bodom because they are alot more technical.
Janne Kusmin is a good drummer, but better than Jaska...? No way, at least not in my ears. Both are very talented though but still Kusmin catches the shorter straw. Kalmah has this new keyboarder Marco Sneck. I think he fits into Kalmah's music well, although he is not better than Warman. Who could be?
And overall... CoB is for me. I breath Bodom ;)