Bodom or Kalmah

Children of Bodom is better. Kalmah had too many insignificant songs on their last album, but Bodom is still doing great job with songs like TL&SO. Follow the Reaper also kills Kamlah's every album. But Kalmah is also great.
I perfer Bodom's song writing style personally. Each of their songs has a standout thing. Whether that be a solo, melody, duel solo, or lyrics. There’s always something in Bodom's music that stands out.
Plus, Bodom wrote my favourite album of all time, Hatebreeder. As great as Kalmah are. I doubt they will be able to write such a masterpiece as Hatebreeder. But you never know.

Kalmah are probably in the top 5 of my all time favourite bands though.
To compose songs like Hades, Heros to Us, Moon Of My Nights, Alteration, Withering Away etc. The talent in the band is obviously some of the best in the world today.
spellbound-by-the-bodom said:
Stop trying to pretend you arnt fucking FaNb0iz ! Bodom all the way. (but kalmah are a great band )

Or maybe CoB just get boring as fuck with the Same old crap.. They exhausted their Neoclassical shit, so are now moving onto trying to be Punk.
Listen you stupid fucks, its this simple.

With Children Of Bodom, I can turn on any song that they have ever done on an album or any cover song at that at any time of the day on any day, and be satisfied. COB rocks with every song.

I mean think about it, when someone asks me about Bodom and what song they should download, I say "Any song, it doesn't matter."

With Kalmah, it's a different story. That's why my vote goes to the perfect and always perfect, Children Of Bodom!!
and I'm sick of this Kalmah shit. I have all 3 of their albums. How could anyone say they are better? They are great songwriters, the two brothers, and the riffs rock. but honestly, the harmonies are obviously repeative. They use the same format with everything, the vocals suck, and they use the keyboards so wrong its unbelievable. (Except on Alteration, that song rocks hard)

I also have Bodom's 4 studio albums and their one live album and I'm gonna go ahead and say again that COB > Kalmah

Alexi is the best songwriter on the earth. Go ahead, argue with me, I dare ya
Bodom and no question about it...theres so just so fucking much more to offer in their music (even though Kalmah is fuckin great..Swamplord is an awesome cd)...the guitar playing in bodom isnt touched by Kalmah...Alexis playing is incredibly smooth and well arranged...Kalmah also doesnt change at all...and i dont mean they need to start exploring different genres of metal but their material could still be a little more fresh. Bodom touches on so many different elements of metal in their music which is really why they are my favorite band...anyways..everyone has their own opinion, if you Kalmah is better thats fine, but those are the reasons I choose Bodom
These threads start getting rediculous after a while because people get offended that not everyone thinks the band they have devoted their life to is the greatest, and then they feel like they must talk shit about other bands who other people like, to make them feel good about themselves liking their favorite band. Too many Kalmah - CoB threads
I never really got into Kalmah. I think I like maybe 2 songs.. Swamphell and Alteration. I like all CoB songs. Therefore, Bodom gets my vote.
[I never really got into Kalmah. I think I like maybe 2 songs.. Swamphell and Alteration. I like all CoB songs. Therefore, Bodom gets my vote.]

See thats all people need to say