Bomb, apparently

Haha penguin, you appear to have posses- I mean "owned" me.

It was more the "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" factor I was referring to, anyhoo.
We had a bomb threat a few months ago. On the mirror it said something about a blood frost prince or something gay like that... sounds pretty black metal to me. They interpreted it as a bomb threat. The last interesting thing that happened though was someone shat all over the guy's bathroom on the bottom floor in my school the other day. I didn't see it, but unfortunately my friends gave me vivid reports.

We had a bomb threat my freshman year in high school, and all the students were moved out to the bleachers on the football field for about an hour. Thing is, they told all the students on the first day of school that if there is a bomb threat, they're going out to the football field. If someone wanted to kill everyone at that school, they'd just have to stick the bomb under the bleachers.
See heres the thing, the school was evacuated at 1:40 from what I hear and we still had school like normal today, so if they were trying to skip class or a test or something they failed miserably. I think it was most likely some dumb shit thinking he was being funny and he's sitting at home scared as hell that he's going to be caught now. The other thing, our football field where we evacuate to is elevated (pictures of it being built can be seen here) so it really was a disgruntled student they would have been smart and planted the bomb underneath. I'm fairly positive that it could be done without being seen by the cameras and nobody would notice because nobody goes under there. From what I'm told the whole thing was pretty amazingly stupid.
Oh and the school is in Snoqualmie.
See heres the thing, the school was evacuated at 1:40 from what I hear and we still had school like normal today, so if they were trying to skip class or a test or something they failed miserably. I think it was most likely some dumb shit thinking he was being funny and he's sitting at home scared as hell that he's going to be caught now. The other thing, our football field where we evacuate to is elevated (pictures of it being built can be seen here) so it really was a disgruntled student they would have been smart and planted the bomb underneath. I'm fairly positive that it could be done without being seen by the cameras and nobody would notice because nobody goes under there. From what I'm told the whole thing was pretty amazingly stupid.
Oh and the school is in Snoqualmie.

Damn, bomb threat over there? That's unheard of!
There was probably 20-30 bomb scares at my school when I was in high school. Kids would pull the fire alarm, set off fires, punch cops, write threats against students and teachers on walls. It got to the point where even the administration stopped taking any threat seriously, they would just half-assedly evacuate the school for 10 minutes then have everyone go back inside. C'est la vie.