Bonus track riffs


Raoul Duke
Jun 10, 2005
Sammamish, Washington
some of the riffs used in the bonus track Into the Frost of Winter were later used in the song Advent because they obviously kick ass....i was just wondering what reasons you guys can come up with as to why none of the riffs from the bonus track Eternal Soul Torture were used in any of their later songs? i agree the song is barely listenable due to the quality but there are some pretty good riffs such as the first heavy one....i think that riff O-W-N-Z oh yea im cool but i geuss that the style is so different in their later cd's that maybe none of those riffs would even fit? any thoughts on this somewhat pointless topic?

I agree, maybe it's one shit recording but some of the riffs in both songs are pretty ass kicking and not only the ones later used on Morningrise and Orchid