

Angry Metal Guy
Apr 18, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
In an effort to broaden my Swedish vocabulary in a more descriptive sense, I was thinking that I should start reading Swedish fiction. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for good fiction that isn't 'deckare'. I was thinking stuff more like John Ajvide Lindqvist (the guy who wrote Låt den rätte komma in and Hanteringen av odöda). I figured I'd start a thread separate from the Learning Swedish thread, since I don't want the responses to get lost in the mix over there. But, of course, this is good to know for people who want to learn Swedish or simply improve their vocabulary.

One problem that I've run into already is that I really like sci-fi and fantasy stuff and most of that stuff is just written in English here, and even like horror seems to be primarily imported from English speaking countries. But I want good Swedish stuff because translations are always weaker and they don't give cultural reference or anything like that.

Also, I don't just want horror and stuff, but classics that you think everyone should read, too. If you think that Barabas is something everyone should read (though, I certainly don't) then you should say so. Or Strindberg. You get the point.

Selma Lagerlöf. Stuff like "Herr Arnes Penningar", and many others. Old stories, with some ghosts and stuff appearing (although I don't think you could call them horror by todays standards...)

And of course, the uncrowned queen of all Swedish writing; Astrid Lindgren. F.ex. "Mio, Min Mio", "Ronja Rövardotter", "Bröderna Lejonhjärta" and the list goes on...
i was interested in reading the books about "sagan om isfolket" by margit sandemo, from which vintersorg took his name.
i'm not able to read an entire book in swedish, but i discovered that last year an english traslation was made (at least for the 3 or 4 books) but it's impossible to find it here in italy :waah:
i've read the first 10/15 pages, which i found online, and they seemed to be pretty interesting....
I thought that Sagan om isfolket was actually Norwegian? But yeah, that's something to look into.

I'm reading right now Den vidunderliga kärlekens historia by Carl-Johan Vallgren. My girlfriend says it's great. It does look pretty interesting.. though, strange.

I saw the Ronja Rövardotter movie.. it was also fantastic. :D
I thought that Sagan om isfolket was actually Norwegian? But yeah, that's something to look into.

I'm reading right now Den vidunderliga kärlekens historia by Carl-Johan Vallgren. My girlfriend says it's great. It does look pretty interesting.. though, strange.

I saw the Ronja Rövardotter movie.. it was also fantastic. :D

i'm not sure, but i remember she was half norwegian and half swedish....
I thought that Sagan om isfolket was actually Norwegian? But yeah, that's something to look into.

I'm reading right now Den vidunderliga kärlekens historia by Carl-Johan Vallgren. My girlfriend says it's great. It does look pretty interesting.. though, strange.

I saw the Ronja Rövardotter movie.. it was also fantastic. :D

I think it is Swedish, but I could be mistaken... Anyway, a very long series, though pretty good. My favourite was the first part when it was about the first generation of the family (If I remember correctly, this was when Vintersorg was in it). After they changed family members a lot and moved closer to a modern era I lost interest a bit...

Oh, if you liked that film you should definitely check Bröderna Lejonhjärta out, it's my favourite. More action, bigger monster, and also bigger feelings if you ask me.
I think it is Swedish, but I could be mistaken... Anyway, a very long series, though pretty good. My favourite was the first part when it was about the first generation of the family (If I remember correctly, this was when Vintersorg was in it). After they changed family members a lot and moved closer to a modern era I lost interest a bit...

Oh, if you liked that film you should definitely check Bröderna Lejonhjärta out, it's my favourite. More action, bigger monster, and also bigger feelings if you ask me.

Yeah, I'll get around to that. Isn't Bröderna Lejonhjärta pretty much considered one of the finest Swedish books ever? I know that everyone I've ever talked to is totally in love with it. At some point I'd like to go visit the Astrid Lindgren museum. I'm going to include my favorite Astrid Lindgren moment as a picture. Hopefully true, though, it is from Expressen. ;)


For those who can't read Swedish:
The author and the skinhead. Astrid Lindgren took an interest in working against youth violence. At heliktopterplattan in Stockholm she was approached by a young skinhead who said spontaneously: "I need to say hi and shake your head. I've read all of your books and I really like them." "If you're one of those skinheads, I think you should stop skinheading," replied Astrid.

I saw the Ronja Rövardotter movie.. it was also fantastic. :D

Oh that's one of my favourite movies of all time, it's more "trolls and goblins" than LOTR will ever be :)
Bröderna Lejonhjärta is almost like the Wizard Of Oz, definitely check it out.
Basically everything by Astrid Lindgren, even though they're childrens tales at heart, is great to watch and read no matter what age you are.