Borknagar & Black Metal

It's not just the lyrics and the spirit that define black metal. Borknagar is semi-blackish metal. Black metal with epic, symphonic elements, I'd say. One of the best bands in the world! Hail the almighty Borknagar!
Well, I consider Borknagar progresive melodic black metal.
They have black metal vocals, some black metal riff, few blast beats from time to time and the first album is straight black metal.

Anyway, if Cradle Of Filth can be black metal why can't be Borknagar. At least they are not singing about vampires and other gothic shit :D

In both way they are great band!
This is a great question. I don't consider Borknagar to be black metal, they are much more unique than to put a bland, over-used label like that on them.

Sure they might share some qualities with black metal bands, but Borknagar is Borknagar and nothing else.
In my opinion Borknagar is a "Green Metal" band.

I invented the label "Green Metal", i don´t know if anyone had this idea before me...

Green Metal, in reference to black metal (the color), because they have strong black metal influences in the music and the texts deal with nature (green).

Pagan or Viking Metal might be a partly right, too, because of folkish influences and the mix between "black vocals" and clear vocals.
But the texts don´t deals with typical pagan or viking metal topics and the folk influences aren´t as strong as in pagan/viking metal bands.