Borknagar & Black Metal

Borknagar is a band inspired by the yearning moods that entertains fantasy and calls forth revelations in our minds conserning the ancient past.

When Time is ripe to revive the past
Let us see who stands triumphant!
Its is partly because of ignorance, but The Archaic Course will forever be what I think of when I think "Black Metal" ... but I understand that that isnt what they really are. Viking or progressive metal would prolly be what i would call them.
When I think of Black Metal then maybe Marduk or Dark Funeral or Dissection or Dimmu Borgir is what comes up in my mind. Why the fuck Borknagar and why labels?

Words are not enough to discribe music!
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borknagar really isn't black metal. they are progressive, and atmospheric, but black metal in its purest form sounds nothing like borknagar. the BM label gets thrown around too loosely, i've heard arcturus being called black metal, i've heard dimmu's new stuff being called black metal, people just hear the grim vocals and classify it.
I agree with the statement above, it's so hard to label music and describe what kind of music it is. The best way to understand it is just to listen to the albums, the music itself is what we want to express.

mr V
Wow. thats a tough question.....hmmm... i would like to say but i could be wrong on this but....perhaps Borknagars later works such as Quintessence and Emperisicm are more of a style of their own. Like a Scientific Atmospherical style ? what do you think, i need some feedback here. Good or bad feedback. let me know what you think.
I've read that, with their first three albums, they stated themselves as "epic metal", so I will always follow that description when it comes to those albums. However, with the new ones... I have no clear idea. It consist of a whole lot of different elements. It's some kind of epic existence-reflecting metal with atmospheres similar to those of Vintersorg (the band).
When introducing someone to Borknagar i mention black metal when explaining them.. but it's usually something like "really melodic, atmospheric, progressive, unique, black metal." In no way would I simply call them "Black Metal." :)
asgeir said:
What happened to brown metal?

- Asgeir
Oh, it still the heart and mind of TravisW. I'm a rhythm section away from unleashing Brown Metal on the world....or at least on my wife, neighbors, and probably 10 disinterested people in a Fargo bar. Those 10 people will debate passionately about whether we are tr00 Br0wn Metal or whether we are Epic Progressive Jazz-Fusion Classical Folk Viking Power farmer-metal with David Coverdale-sounding vocals. I will then break up the yet-unnamed band, and start a Peter, Paul, and Mary tribute band with a guy named Stig and a morbidly obese transvestite named Candy. After this, I will see that my music is meaningless, sell my guitars, and take up origami for fun.