Boss GT-3 question for Blackheim

Well you won't be able to emulate it perfectly. An Ebow produces controlled feedback/sustain, which is a pick up thing, and not an FX processor or amp thing...
There is a preset on my GT-6 that comes relatively close to it though, think it's called sustainer. You play a note, and then press and hold the CTL pedal, as long as you hold it you will hear the note. It's a bit too crappy for my liking though.
Best thing would still be REAL controlled feedback. Mute all strings except one, with your right hand, and fret notes with your left hand. You need high amp volume for this though and it won't work properly with some pickups.
For My Sweetheart the Drunk said:
Hey Blackheim, how do you get an e-bow sound off the GT-3?

Did you get your GT-8 yet, and if so, is it really better than the GT-3??

the e-bow sounds u have heard me play live does indeed come from the GT-3. it's an effect called slowgear. what it does? it's muting every first pick on the string, with the result of swelling like a violin. if u now add another effect called feedbacker and twiddle all those together u will get a killer ebow sound incl harmonic overtones. however, the ultimate way to get the e-bow sound is by switching yer neck pickup to a fernandes sustainer. maybe the greatest thing in guitar history.
BTW, Blakkheim, the Matamp seen on entering your website - did you all buy Matamp's or only one of you guys? Is it a 1227? Are you happy with it? Did you use it on your new album? Do you actually need a different preamp with it?

A curious old fan. :wave:

PS: Seeing you like the Fernandes sustainer, have you ever tried out a Fernandes Ravelle or another model?
JohnMS said:
BTW, Blakkheim, the Matamp seen on entering your website - did you all buy Matamp's or only one of you guys? Is it a 1227? Are you happy with it? Did you use it on your new album? Do you actually need a different preamp with it?

A curious old fan. :wave:

PS: Seeing you like the Fernandes sustainer, have you ever tried out a Fernandes Ravelle or another model?

yes, i own a ravelle elite and a monterey elite... in love with both!!!

both me and fred own our each MATAMP custom 140 watt dual channel valve head w/2 4x12 cabs. we used them on our albums for clean and half dirty sounds, but not for distorted rhythm sounds as they dont got enough gain for that.
Blakkheim said:
yes, i own a ravelle elite and a monterey elite... in love with both!!!

both me and fred own our each MATAMP custom 140 watt dual channel valve head w/2 4x12 cabs. we used them on our albums for clean and half dirty sounds, but not for distorted rhythm sounds as they dont got enough gain for that.

I read a review that the Ravelle sounded a bit, erm, steely or slightly metallic-percussive, but I can't recall if that was dry or wet. I'm currently on the lookout for a guitar I can work with and can get a dent without me crying too much (I'd probably die if my fave guitar got beat-up). Guess I'll try out Fernandes myself.

Beats me that the Boss GT-3 sounds that good, but then I guess the sound is also nicely coloured by the amps. I have a vintage Orange Matamp myself and it's certainly not useable for High Gain. Perhaps I'll try out a GT-8, now. And it'd be your fault!! :p

PS: I take it the mailing list is defunct?
Blakkheim said:
the e-bow sounds u have heard me play live does indeed come from the GT-3. it's an effect called slowgear. what it does? it's muting every first pick on the string, with the result of swelling like a violin. if u now add another effect called feedbacker and twiddle all those together u will get a killer ebow sound incl harmonic overtones. however, the ultimate way to get the e-bow sound is by switching yer neck pickup to a fernandes sustainer. maybe the greatest thing in guitar history.

Awesome. :cool:
It's a way to connect your GT-... to your amp so you can use the amp's distortion, but you can still use all your other FX from the GT. It basically seperates your amp in 2 parts, cos the distortion will be in the External FX section and your GT FX will be purely the FX without any influence from the amp itself, it will only amplify your sound... This is probably way to confusing, I can't explain it very well.
Anyway, here's how to connect it:
Guitar out -> GT in
GT external send -> Amp in
Amp FX send -> GT external return
GT out -> Amp FX return

Be sure to select "external" on your distortion pedals (it's somewhere in the menus), now you will be using your amp's distortion and you use the GT to switch between distortion/FX.
Commence Destruction said:
awesome,I posted a similar thread a long time ago with regards to the gt5,the only problem I tend to encounter a lot is the digital aliasing,if you run the preamps too hot you start hearing this ring modulator type sound in the background of your distrtion,have you ever encountered this anders? if so what would you advise to keep the tone but get rid of the excess noise? because the tone itself is close to what im going for,but it has that damned sound lingering.

I run my pedal into the comp and almost every tone ive custom made has A LOT of excess noise,the presets though sound louder,have close to no noise and have better note definition,so I have quite some learning to do about the effect chain placment as well im guessing.

I've noticed this as well, especially when using the 5150 preamp. I wonder what could fix this? I've found from experience that the metal drive preamp doesn't do it as much....
Okay, since posting, I've read a few things that may reduce the sound known as digital aliasing, or the sound causing this...(reverb-like sound).

It usually happends when using the high gain preamp (ie:5150). The trick is to keep the the preamp level low, as well as the gain swtich to LOW. Also, I've read that it may be caused by the compressors and the noise gates competing with each other to decide whether or not the signal is noise or actual signal,or something...

I also read that using certain speaker sims may reduce the digital aliasing -- I'll find out tommorow, hopefully this will work...(but I doubt it very much).

Your best bet is to shut off everything and start from scratch. That means: turn off the compressors, noise, reduce gain, and then add a little noise gate at the end. Apart from that, all we can do is pray. It seems like Boss hasn't fixed the problem on the new one either, which is disheartening since it means they are not taking the time to fix a huge problem which is apparent in all the GT's.

Maybe the mighty Blackheim can add something to the matter....It seems like Akerfeldt and Blackheim are masters of this beast...
JohnMS said:
Did you check and find out? :)

I checked, but it's pointless since the speaker sims are only in effect in the GT3 if the user is in line/headphone mode -- which I could care less about; that's basically good if you're recording, I'm more after a good live sound. However, recently, I have a read a good document on the GT3/GT5 which has cleared up a lot of issues: the manual is located on the site:

The trick whan using the 5150 preamp or any high gain preamp for that matter is, try keeping the gain levels to a minimum. You'll see that you can achieve a nice metal sound which is more controlable and ultimately sounds better. The digital aliasing is also less apparent, and that's what we're looking for :)
For My Sweetheart the Drunk said:
The trick whan using the 5150 preamp or any high gain preamp for that matter is, try keeping the gain levels to a minimum. You'll see that you can achieve a nice metal sound which is more controlable and ultimately sounds better. The digital aliasing is also less apparent, and that's what we're looking for :)

Thanks for the link! I'll check it out.

If you keep gain to a minimum using a high gain preamp, what about the distortion?

Anyway, I think I'm going to order a GT8 during the next few weeks anyway. They're being sold for 444 Euros over here, and you can get them bundled with a padded nylon Rockbag or flightcase.

I'm basically more or less quite tired of looking around hunting for tone and shelling out money for handmade boutique pedals or collecting rareties (I did sell them all, though, when I needed money). Bit sad I sold my Sobbat Fuzzbreaker (brutal), but what the heck. I just want to play.