Boss GT-8


New Metal Member
May 26, 2004
I know all of this chat is supposed to pertain to Opeth exclusively, so here is how it does. Do you think that Opeth will ditch the GT-6s in favor of the new GT-8s? Also, I don't know exactly when these came out, but if anybody has one, how are they compared to the 6s? And are they worth upgrading to?

And if the Opeth gang is already using them, How are they?
It seems they unveiled this at the recent NAMM show. I haven't heard anything from people, but by specs it seems to have a few more frills than the GT-6. I would expect Opeth to upgrade to these provided they do another round of touring.
Do you know if they are available in the states yet. I read that they were only available in Japan at the moment, but then again I don't know how old that is. I just found out about it tonight and I'm too lazy to look this up on my own at the moment
Yeah, it's pretty damn sexy. I hope this release will force the price of the GT-6 to be lowered, so I can buy one of them.
Just when I was prepared to buy a GT-6 a new one comes out. :D Maybe the GT-6 price will come down. I'm sure the differences between the 6 and 8 won't be that great. How do you all like your GT-6s?
i've had a digitech rp2000 for a couple years, but i hardly use it anymore these days... it was usually just more hassle than it's worth. how easy/useful are the GT-6's?
i love my GT-6..... it has a ton of tones and the fx are top notch. i like how i can set it so i stomp patches like a multi-fx, or i can set it to manual mode and use the stomps like individual chorus, OD, delay, ctrl on and off.

if there's anything i don't like about it, its that my amp's distortion is better, so i use the GT now as a super fx box and tuner and not much more. but then again, my current amp is a marshall stack..
I like my gt-6 a lot. You can't beat it for that price range. And Opeth use them so you know they have to be good. It is difficult to get a perfect distortion on it though, but I've got a killer acoustic patch and all kinds of various other things. I would definetly recommend it over anyother mulit-effects proccessor out there in its league.

What interest me most about the gt-8 is the dual COSM. I'm really curious to see what that will open up as far as creating patches. Maybe I'll finally be able to get that perfect distortion.
I don't mean to offend anyone, but digitech makes crap, and I don't know much about vox, but I'm almost positive that the gts are better.
its all opinion, aside from actual electronic statistics.
personally, i think Digitech's name is very appropriate for the sounds i was able to create with it. very digital, not very raw or tube sounding. i guess if somebody wanted that sound, then it's great. i prefer boss...
I think it sounds pretty good but it did take a lot of tweaking of presets. What I mainly like about it is the 8 track recorder and drum machine. I wouldn't use it live but for messing around in my bedroom it's awesome.
The COSM modelling engine is fairly good. Boss can get some good tones out of its products. I own an ME-50 and am more or less satisfied with its application in the bedroom (ie. salvaging any bit of tone and clarity from my pathetic 10 watt amp). What I'm really after at the moment is a decent tube amp because the digital tones really wear on the ears after a while.
i work at guitar center so there has been a lot of shit going around about the new gt-8. its gonna be 599.99 and i dont think theres gonna be a big difference personaly and just to let you know gt-6's wont drop anytime soon because boss has high cost on all there shit. well anyhoot i thought you might want to know