lamentations guitar tone


Jul 6, 2003
Murdock, NE
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"Actually they're using GT-6s.

For the DVD I'm pretty sure that's just the Laneys though, as Andy Sneap said that the guitars were reamped later on, and I don't see why they'd reamp and run the signal through the GT-6s."

i read this on the harmony-central forums...i know we have discussed that certain parts were re-recorded...but i had never heard this...i do notice that the tone on the dvd sounds different from when i heard them live. then again, watching it on tv is different from hearing it live...but, i wonder (if they did do this) it was reamped...if they ran it back through the gt-6 and the laney, or just the gt-6?

i wonder if the original tone was bad, or not clear...or something? opinions....thoughts?
okay, maybe i could have, sorry....geez, give me a break guys. i just thought that this deserved its own thread. it seems like this topic could be discussed quite a bit. it deals with the production of the dvd...not their live tone and gt6 settings. it'd be great if someone could give some input instead of posting another complaint.
i was calling myself an a joke...that sounded bad...i didn't mean to make it sound like thats what you said.....

lol....this sounds like a boyfriend/girlfriend fight...