Boss GT-8

A big music store near me is having a big sale, up to 85% off prices! I'm hoping to find a GT-6 there, or maybe a GT-8, even. Gonna buy a lot of other stuff there too, it's gonna be great.
Moonlapse said:
The COSM modelling engine is fairly good. Boss can get some good tones out of its products. I own an ME-50 and am more or less satisfied with its application in the bedroom (ie. salvaging any bit of tone and clarity from my pathetic 10 watt amp). What I'm really after at the moment is a decent tube amp because the digital tones really wear on the ears after a while.

Lol, Your setup sounds very similar to mine Moonlapse... Hope you don't mind me asking if you have any good patches figured out on it? I'm having trouble getting some nice Opeth tones.

Pitty I can't afford the GT-6 or the GT-8 for that matter :cry: That GT-8 sure loooks nice :OMG:
one advantage is you can set the "output" style so it thinks its outputting to certain kinds of amps (combo, stack, etc) and see if that helps your tone a bit.
Has anyone got a GT-8 yet? Come on; Mike, Peter, you guys surely have them. Don't hold out on us. I really want to know how they are.
Here in portugal the GT-6's dropped by 180EUR or something similar. I already came across 3 different sellers selling theirs for 225eur, 250eur and 275eur. MusicStore (the biggest european instruments store, located in germany) is selling GT-8 and GT-Pro (rack version of GT-8) cheap! I would place here the prices, but the site's database seems to be down.

They ship across europe, I bought my guitar and 2 v-amp's off of them. Their catalog is something worth having, they usually send 2 each year, after you buy anything off of them.