bottled water

yeah, but when you prefer sprakling water, you have to buy bottles :p

And at my parents',water from the tap tastes horrible ( a bit like chlorine). So its better to buy bottles.
Yeah my tap water tastes like that, still I drink it and bottled water. To be honest I can't really say I have a favourite, bottled water all tastes the same to me.
Fiji went through a few scandals, I don't remember precisely why though.

I like bottled water, but I am well aware of all the scams that have happened. I have one of those home purifiers (uses charcoal and all that other bullshit/or something else idk), so....yeah that's the highlight of it.

Funny Story: At my college, they did a water test and found out that the water from the bathroom was cleaner than all the water fountains on campus :lol: - if you're thirsty, just dip your head into the bowl!

Is naive spelled backwards....

I don't have a preference, as long as it is cheap. Where I work we have this brand that is like 50 cents, called NIRVANA... I buy it mostly so I have the bottle to put tap water in until it gets crushed.

I spare no expense for beer though... Yuengling Lager or Black 'n Tan. Also Sam Adam's Summer Ale and Winter Lager when available.
i find this ironic.. he spares no expense for beer and then lists yuengling as first choice :p
And at my parents',water from the tap tastes horrible ( a bit like chlorine). So its better to buy bottles.

Yeah, if it's from the tap and smells like chlorine, that means they use a well. We have well water and drinking from our tap will give you the shits.

So Faith, unless I want the shits, I'm not drinking from my tap.

We just buy water by the gallons.