Brasil is the 2nd most ANTI-AMERICAN country in the world!!

Brazil has a problem? Wanna fight about it then? Why don't they wage war on America? hahaha.

Disappoints me that Canada was even on that poll... Anti-American Canadians are usually just ignorant morons. I've argued with countless people about this...when we're through, they're always like... "ohhh yeah, well I guess America isn't so bad."

Note: I am Canadian.
Funny how most of those countries that hate America and Americans as much as they say, but are really quick on their toes to beg for military assistance and humanitarian aide... and recieve it...

How can I take those countries seriously when they're like little angsty children begging for their allowance from parents they hate.

Fucking pathetic retards. :p
xenophobe said:
Funny how most of those countries that hate America and Americans as much as they say, but are really quick on their toes to beg for military assistance and humanitarian aide... and recieve it...

How can I take those countries seriously when they're like little angsty children begging for their allowance from parents they hate.

Fucking pathetic retards. :p
Their governments hit the US up for money, it's not usually the general populace running out to beg for military aid or even humanitarian aid. And even then, foreign leaders know they're making a devil's bargain when getting foreign aid from any source - there's no such thing as a free lunch, even in geopolitics.
duckattack said:
Their governments hit the US up for money, it's not usually the general populace running out to beg for military aid or even humanitarian aid. And even then, foreign leaders know they're making a devil's bargain when getting foreign aid from any source - there's no such thing as a free lunch, even in geopolitics.

very true man

when the countries get money they end up paying 3 times what they got and it's usually the people who pay taxes who do that.So I don't think that people are too happy when their country is fucking broke and they have to go around asking for money cause it won't be the president or leaders who pay,it's the people
The world hating the U.S. is no accident.
I don't believe this "oh, they hate us because we enjoy our freedom and money" story. I don't see planes crashing into Germany's, Iceland's, or Sweden's buildings.
coronerox said:
well I am not anti-american
I, among many others, are very thankful for your attitude.
We're not all war-mongers here in the States. It's nice to see there are still those with enough intellectual capacity to think and judge people on an individual basis, rather than judging them by the ignorant actions of their government.

Don't forget; Bush LOST the popular vote. Therefore, he is not the American people's president. There's something terribly wrong with a system of "democracy" where an electoral college can override the voices of the people.
Arch said:
The world hating the U.S. is no accident.
I don't believe this "oh, they hate us because we enjoy our freedom and money" story. I don't see planes crashing into Germany's, Iceland's, or Sweden's buildings.

No, you see the Palastinians suicide bombing the Isrealis, civil wars in Africa, rebellious bullshit in South America, slaughters and tens of thousands buried in mass graves in the former Yugoslavia and in Iraq, but America is the bad guy? :p

Hey, I'm the first to admit that America isn't above the fray, but you should be lookin in your own back yards first.

And I don't see any other countries playing an active role trying to stop this shit.

Then again, if we WEREN'T involved with all this, most of the anti-american crowd woudl be bitching at us for not doing anything. Guess some people just gotta gripe because they're too little to do anything about their own problems.

IF America closed our borders, withdrew our troops and humanitarian aide, you people would be bitching about that too.

That's lame.

Oh, and look at the Saudi's, and the terror attacks there, or the bombs that have gone off in England and Berlin, and all the other stuff. America is under attack, but you have to watch out for terrorism if you're a christian in Ireland, a Jew in Isreal, a non-extremist muslim in the middle east, a anti-drug government official in Bolivia, etc, etc....

Nice double standards you people have. :p
xenophobe said:
No, you see the Palastinians suicide bombing the Isrealis, civil wars in Africa, rebellious bullshit in South America, slaughters and tens of thousands buried in mass graves in the former Yugoslavia and in Iraq, but America is the bad guy? :p

Hey, I'm the first to admit that America isn't above the fray, but you should be lookin in your own back yards first.

And I don't see any other countries playing an active role trying to stop this shit.

Then again, if we WEREN'T involved with all this, most of the anti-american crowd woudl be bitching at us for not doing anything. Guess some people just gotta gripe because they're too little to do anything about their own problems.

IF America closed our borders, withdrew our troops and humanitarian aide, you people would be bitching about that too.

That's lame.

Oh, and look at the Saudi's, and the terror attacks there, or the bombs that have gone off in England and Berlin, and all the other stuff. America is under attack, but you have to watch out for terrorism if you're a christian in Ireland, a Jew in Isreal, a non-extremist muslim in the middle east, a anti-drug government official in Bolivia, etc, etc....

Nice double standards you people have. :p
Well put.
More people/countries need to accept accountability and responsibility for their own issues and problems.
Blaming someone or something else for your problems only compromises you to dependency upon that entity to solve them.
i´m not at it... it is a poll shown at the largest brazilian news magazine, which also happens to be one of the largest in the world, and the poll was made by BBC from London.
xenophobe said:
No, you see the Palastinians suicide bombing the Isrealis, civil wars in Africa, rebellious bullshit in South America, slaughters and tens of thousands buried in mass graves in the former Yugoslavia and in Iraq, but America is the bad guy? :p

Hey, I'm the first to admit that America isn't above the fray, but you should be lookin in your own back yards first.

And I don't see any other countries playing an active role trying to stop this shit.

Then again, if we WEREN'T involved with all this, most of the anti-american crowd woudl be bitching at us for not doing anything. Guess some people just gotta gripe because they're too little to do anything about their own problems.

IF America closed our borders, withdrew our troops and humanitarian aide, you people would be bitching about that too.

That's lame.

Oh, and look at the Saudi's, and the terror attacks there, or the bombs that have gone off in England and Berlin, and all the other stuff. America is under attack, but you have to watch out for terrorism if you're a christian in Ireland, a Jew in Isreal, a non-extremist muslim in the middle east, a anti-drug government official in Bolivia, etc, etc....

Nice double standards you people have. :p

It's no secret that the U.S. has been meddling with other people's politics for more than hundreds of years. The U.S. supported ruthless Latin American dictators to causing the Spanish-American war to securing foreign land in the name of money. A lot of people died... most of the death and suffering caused by this greed is their's.

Look at South Korea for example. There's a strong anti-American sentiment there. This is due to that fact that U.S. soldiers are raping their women and running over their people. Yet, these soldiers are not even jailed for their actions.
the U.S. has been meddling with other people's politics for more than hundreds of years
Wow, America has been around for more than hundreds of years? Umm... :lol: Okay Professor.

Okay, let America leave South Korea... What would happen? No more DMZ, and the north would invade the free people of South Korea, turn reunified Korea into into a dictatorship, no political or social freedom, and LOTS of people will die.

Brilliant. :p

Oh you want to start diggin back "hundreds of years"? Then we start looking better and better... The Spanish American war was bad? What about when Spain was in "conquer mode" and slaughtered the Inca/Aztec civilizations? I don't see you trying to crucify England for their "colonies" either. The Falklands, India, South Africa, etc.

You're REALLY silly, you know? :p
xenophobe said:
Wow, America has been around for more than hundreds of years? Umm... :lol: Okay Professor.
Read your U.S. History textbook.
America (pre-U.S.) and Britain and other countries had been mingling with West African government for slaves. What? 1500's. The plundering of other people's countries has been intensified after America became the U.S. and even more during "Manifest Destiny".

Okay, let America leave South Korea... What would happen? No more DMZ, and the north would invade the free people of South Korea, turn reunified Korea into into a dictatorship, no political or social freedom, and LOTS of people will die.

Brilliant. :p
And raping Korean women by U.S. soldiers is justified?

Oh you want to start diggin back "hundreds of years"? Then we start looking better and better... The Spanish American war was bad? What about when Spain was in "conquer mode" and slaughtered the Inca/Aztec civilizations? I don't see you trying to crucify England for their "colonies" either. The Falklands, India, South Africa, etc.

You're REALLY silly, you know? :p

We're talking about why other countries hate the U.S.
Arch said:
Read your U.S. History textbook.
America (pre-U.S.) and Britain and other countries had been mingling with West African government for slaves. What? 1500's. The plundering of other people's countries has been intensified after America became the U.S. and even more during "Manifest Destiny".

Slaves? Wow, America and England are the only ones to have slaves in great numbers in history? Sadly, most every country has courted with this demon and let it go.

The plundering of people's countries by the US? lol... All one needs to do is look at relatively recent history and see that the Romans, the Egyptians, the Spaniards, the English, the Russians, Germans and Japanese... Considering the way we eliminated many Indian tribes, we're no better or worse than any other given "superpower" at any time in history. :p

And raping Korean women by U.S. soldiers is justified?

And how did you interpret me as saying that? :guh:

We're talking about why other countries hate the U.S.

Ah, follow the angsty trend why don't you? :p
come on let's not turn this into another politics thread
I am not anti U.S. but I am not pro U.S. either
I know most of their citizens are not rednecks and are pretty cool,I met some great californian people this summer,of course you'll always find the "U.S. kicks ass" people,but that happens with every country,the thing is that the U.S. government has been on this campaing another countries lately so it's obvious that it will be the target for a lot og hazing
Manuel, I'm just tired of seeing people say "Hey lets start an America hating thread"... Like that's a fresh topic :rolleyes:

While America is guilty of not being perfect, I don't see many countries' citizens doing as many NICE things as we are globally, like Red Cross, Peace Corps, having ordinary citizens donate for disaster relief, etc...

America is helping to battle aids in africa, peace in the middle east, korea, the balkans, south america, etc... I, for one, think that we should just stick to our own soil and let the rest of the world deal with their own problems, but everyone would hate us for that too. :D