Brasil is the 2nd most ANTI-AMERICAN country in the world!!

I have to say Im with Arch on that one. This thread is about a problem that the world has with America. It's not a "Weigh all the good sides of the US Foreign Politics against its bad ones" or a "Weigh every nation's flaws against each other", this thread is about the US abusing their military force to get what they want, the examples were given by Arch a few posts ago.
Im not saying the US are a nation of warmongering fools, Hell no, and whoever does can hardly be taken seriously. The thing is though and I think you'll have to agree there Xeno, that there's something wrong with certain things the USA do in the world.
Im really grateful for all the good the US do, like protecting innocent people and stuff, because who else would really, the Europeans dont dispose of an army as large as the US'.
Im not even saying spanish, british or german slavery was good, but the point is, there's no slavery anymore, yet the US are still trying to manipulize other countrie's politics, and that's what this thread is about.
I understand that you feel bothered when someone speaks about your beloved country in a negative way, and I understand you love your country more than I love mine, but if you really keep ignoring the points Arch makes, then the only fool here would be you... if I dare say that... :p
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Profånity said:
Obviously I have strong feelings towards you, if we didn't live so far away I could explore those feelings and maybe they could turn to love. Let's keep in contact and see how things go.

it was obvious you had feelings, but i had no idea if they were strong or if you ever were going to admit to them-until now.

as usual you said the right thing. like i wouldnt keep in contact! im leaveing for the night, my families all down here so i dont have any time to write and i probably wont be on til tomorrow afternoon.

but i already love you :)
Has anyone ever lived in South Korea? Were you there when those two girls got run over? I was.

What you don't understand is that the South Koreans have a complete disregard for everyone but themselves...that's just their culture. When you cross a street, you DO NOT look both ways over there because you will get run over. You simply walk out and the cars will stop. If you look at the driver, then that says to him that you know he's there and he'll keep driving.

Unless you have been introduced to a person, you are non-existent to them. They will literally run into you and run you over because they do not know you, nor do they care.

These girls were walking the WRONG WAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ONE WAY STREET AT NIGHT, OBLIVIOUS TO EVERYTHING AROUND THEM. They got run over because they made a bad decision. It is a tragedy that should never have happened, but if they had been on the sidewalk, it wouldnt' have happened.

South Koreans let their children go without any supervision whatsoever. I've seen so many kids run over by other Koreans on their mopeds...I'm talking 3 year old children. There is no supervision whatsoever. I hate to say it, but it's their own damn fault. I don't know about you, but when I was a kid, my parents taught me not to play in the fuckin' street. If I got caught playing in the street, I got my ass beat. Consequently, I never played in the middle of the street and I'm still alive today.

Who is raping girls? I haven't heard of rapings in a long time over there. I think maybe you were confused with Japan...because the jarheads over there are making it bad for everyone.

What you don't understand is that in South Korea, their protests are literally a national pastime. They do that for blowing off steam, only they get carried away sometimes and start tossing molotov cocktails at us. The South Korean riot police don't fuck around, either. You will die if you cross them, period.

We had several stabbings over there on military personnel by the civilians, and it really really pissed a lot of people off. We don't want to be over there, we would love to pull out and just leave. But as Xeno said, the north would invade again, and there would be millions of people dead...that's a fact. If it were up to us, all the ungrateful people could die for all we care, they don't have any appreciation because they didn't live through the Korean War. We understand that. The S. Korean gov't DOES NOT want us to leave, period. They know they would surely die if we were to leave. Without the American military presence there, the local economies would go to shit and it would just be bad for everyone. It's a very complicated situation, but there doesn't seem to be an answer in sight.
anyone heard of East Timor, or the Solomon Islands ?

Just a question regarding world policemen and the like.
thrashmetal78 said:
When you cross a street, you DO NOT look both ways over there because you will get run over. You simply walk out and the cars will stop. If you look at the driver, then that says to him that you know he's there and he'll keep driving.

well... in Italy and Brasil the drivers will run over you if you look both ways, if you do not look at all, they will run over you if you cross the street at the safety line (dunno correct word in english, but I am talking about those white stripes), and... even if you decide to not cross the road at all and stay in the sidewalk, they might run over you just to remember you to respect cars!! LOL LOL LOL
Arch said:
Wrongdoings should never be overlooked. Some American love to condemn injustices from elsewhere (Russia/Chechnya, China/Tibet, etc) I don't see anything wrong with critics condemning camp X-Ray.

Well, you've obviously not read any of my posts seriously, I've stated on numerous occassions that we are not innocent or above any of the things that we condemn, and you called me a blind patriot or some such nonsense regardless of that fact. That in itself was quite blind and ignorant on your part. You just want to bash the USA, and anyone who would tell you a different opinion is a blind patriot. Like I said earlier, how fucking silly. :lol:

I live here in the U.S. California to be exact. I see what's going on in the news and media, not just the biased news from America, but from BBC, ITN, Aftonbladet, and so on. I see the world from the inside and outside. So... I'm metaphorically condemning my family, if you will.

Okay, I understand, you're a bleeding heart liberal who is self-concious about their own American citizenship, and you feel bad for everyone that we interact with globally, cause America sucks. :lol:

Some people don't want the U.S.'s military presence in their backyard. Where was the U.S. soldiers and peacekeepers in Liberia before this year? Seems like the U.S. finally arrived on Liberia's soil because America is trying to "polish" with its tarnished image after Iraq... after millions of slaughtered Liberians.

Well, plenty of Iraqis are quite happy we are there, some are not. As for Liberia, should we be there or not?

So, we're horrible cause we didn't intervene sooner? Or because we're getting involved at all? You're not clear, and you're contradicting yourself...

You seem so one track minded that you can't see the full picture... You're in the dark with a flashlight, and you're only shining it on the parts of the image that you want to see.

Good question. The U.S. had been supporting dictators for some time. ruthless Pinochet, Noriega, Saddam Hussein (during Iran/Iraq war)... It definitely depends where and when. I certainly don't want to be napalmed, agent oranged, and clustered bombed because I look like a "Charlie".
Latin Americans and Shah-period Iranians had been tortured, raped, and killed by oppressive governments backed by the U.S. May not exactly be "brutal U.S. military", but definitely an evil henchman.

And you blame their actions on the US? If we weren't involved, even worse things would be going on.

I guess you support the human rights injustices that continue to go on in countries that do not have US Aide, china, malaysia, middle east, south america, africa...

I don't live in South Korea, but most South Koreans thinks so.
And it is not just the U.S. helping South Korea's defense, Japan and Russia are of assistance.

Yes, and from what I read above, your presumtions are completely false, which leads me to believe that most of your views are founded not by reality, but by your hatred of America. Stupid is as stupid does. :p

Brainwashed by "America = teh great" rhetorics. :)

There you go with your ignorance again.

There are justified hatred for the U.S. government, but not its people.

Sure, and there are just as many justified reasons for supporting YOUR government, but since you've got hatred in your eyes, it's blinding your common sense. :loco:
xenophobe said:
IF America closed our borders, withdrew our troops and humanitarian aide, you people would be bitching about that too.

IF...geez xeno, you say that same thing in every anti-american thread, I bet you wank to the thought of your country's closed borders and being unable to drink that stupid imported coffee you like to buy, and having to pay a huge amount for the clothes that would no longer be made at sweatshops overseas, etc. so go ahead and write to your congressman and request the borders closed and the troops and humanitarian aide withdrawn, there'll be plenty of fellow american unemployed military men to mow your lawn and work at Taco Bells :p *hugs*
Well, that's my point of view. Should I be changing it all the time like the liberals who bash America?

Case in point: Right now, liberals are screaming how it's Bush's fault the power grid went down on the east coast, but yet it's the liberal eco-terrorists chanting "not in my back yard" that have effectively stopped any upgrades for our power system, for new powerlines and new power plants when they were desperately needed. I think it's fascinating and chidish at the same time how these people can say one thing, do another and not ever take responsibility, and just make up excuses why someone esle is to blame.

When they talk about Grey Davis, oh, he kept the blackouts away from California, even though we did have numerous rotating power outages untill he signed away all the money California had into long term energy deals at 3 to 4 times the going rate with companies like Enron (who lined Davis's election funds and was one of his biggest supporters :p ) driving what is now the Recall joke.

They like to critisize everything, take blame for nothing, and think that as long as they can yell it out loud, that whatever they say is the truth, without any merit of the facts.

Fuck the world and let them see the havoc that we help prevent... and all the angsty kids like you would find other reasons to bitch about America. :p
Yeah, I know...
Davis was holding a rally a few days ago and said that (paraphrased) "I kept the blackouts away from California"... :rolleyes:
xenophobe said:
I think it's fascinating and chidish at the same time how these people can say one thing, do another and not ever take responsibility, and just make up excuses why someone esle is to blame.
C'mon man, that's called politics... Every politician in every party does the exact same fucking thing - they try to come up with an angle to make themselves look good, and make their opponents look bad. Don't try to make it sound like it's just the Democrats, or the 'liberals', or whoever it is you happen not to like - the whole system is corrupt from top to bottom. They all feed from the same trough.
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