Which is the most metal country in the world?

Its pretty amazing how many people wearing metal tshirts youd find walking around in greece. And most of them have nothing to do with trendy bands actually. And taking into consideration were talking about a country of 10 million people.

Greece rocks! :)
I don't know which country but I can tell you that Belgium aint it! We do have a metalshop here in town (70.000 inhabitants) but they mostly sell thrash, nu & power metal. They do have a pretty large death & black section.
I don't know how many metalheads live here, but at local concerts (punk, rock & grunge that is) i always see some people with Behemoth, Graveland and other t-shirts. I think we have around 20-30 people here that are into extreme metal. When counting the ones into nu-metal you probably are around 1000-2000. :rolleyes:
Since a few months we have our own black metalband in this city! They discribe themselfes as a mixture between Nargaroth & Judas iscariot. I believe they are called Kludde.

It ain't so bad here, metalstore, some metalheads and much concerts.
Sweden all the way!

It is quite amazing to see how tiny Sweden has spawned so many of today's most innovative metal acts.

Bulgaria has a nice appetite for progressive music... Planet X even performed live on one of Bulgaria's biggest television programs. This is due to the complex nature of traditional Bulgarian music.
Originally posted by Sophiel
Lets put it this.
I live in us, on the corner of Pennslyvania in
a shit-hole called Greene county.
Out of the millions of people that live here, only five do I know of that listen metal.
I estimate 1 out of every 35 people in greene county listen to metal. That's a very sad statistic.

Cool to see someone from Western PA on here! Greene Co. is a beautiful place.

And 1 out of every 35 people being a metal fan? That would be a huge amount! In my Statistics class at Penn State... we did a "What is your favorite style of music?" survey of over 800 people. Only 13 (including myself) chose Heavy Metal... and I am saddened even more when I think about what the percentage of those 13 heavy metal fans are really only fans of Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Coal Chamber, etc.
I would say Scandinavia too !
especially for extreme metal (black / death)

France is not metal at all , it's hip hop :cry:
Originally posted by Ivanohe
I would say Scandinavia too !
especially for extreme metal (black / death)

Extreme black and death metal like Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir and In Flames? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mostly just idiots here in Finland although I guess that's the situation in most countries, if not all.
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
Finland or Sweden surely.

And you fools USA is about 100 times more metal than Canada. ESPECIALLY Ontario and west. I think i am the only metalhead within 5000 kilometers of me.... I have never met one in person.

Ontario gets good shows, well only Toronto
most bands that tour the U.S. hit toronto and Montreal
maybe the metal scene isn't so good, but there are good shows
Originally posted by Opethfan1980
Orias, the US has spawned some great metal bands. But recently, the number of good metal bands coming out of the US as compared to the number of good metal bands coming out of, say, Sweden, is ridiculous. The US has what, 100,000 times the population of Sweden? And, yet, it produces about 100 times as many good metal bands.

No you see .. there are tons of great metal bands in the states .. but how the fuck are we gonna hear them ..it's extremely hard to be a metal band and make it down there (not so bad up here I guess because people have more respect for each other in canada)....
Originally posted by AddeJ-Skinfected
Twice Forgotten > I hear ya! I am from Västerås (Sweden) and I must agree... The Metal scene are VERY strong here!!! You just gotta love it! :rock:

I guess the scene strong because some of my relatives live there...:)
Originally posted by random_phil
Although the UK is no longer that metal, remember that it is where metal originated. Black Sabbath grew up just a couple of miles from me, in fact. So next time you listen to some metal, remember that you would not have any metal if it wasn't for the UK.

Damn, everytime I hear the word UK, I think Robbie Williams and those Oasis bastards...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Sophiel
Lets put it this.
I live in us, on the corner of Pennslyvania in
a shit-hole called Greene county.
Out of the millions of people that live here, only five do I know of that listen metal.
I estimate 1 out of every 35 people in greene county listen to metal. That's a very sad statistic.

:lol: PA sucks.