Breast growth from *ahem*...

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Mar 8, 2004
United States
Came across this today, don't ask me how :erk: :

Ok, this is no prank! I am new to this forum so don't know if this topic has been covered. I am French, 30, with no children, married to a very sensual Chinese-American. And I have gone from a B cup to DD in 2 years. How?

My husband has a natural talent for health and natural (intuitive?) medicine, although he does not prefer to work with this. He describes his instinctual abilities as similar to Qigong and Tweena disciplines which is health enhancement through training, massage, as well as herbal/natural food. His great-grand uncle was a apothecary, and inventor of a rare martial art, but he himself is very un-Chinese, so considers much of the information he inherited from his background to be superstition. So when he first told me about this, I thought it was a joke, or a ploy to have me service his sexual needs, but my god, it turned out to be true!

He told me that in Chinese medicine, there is no one size fits all solution, no one magic pill that works for everybody. Chinese medicine is made for the individual; even if 2 people have the same symptoms and same disease, their treatment can be very different depending on a person's chemistry. A Chinese doctor will ask strange questions and even smell a patient to determine his/her physical properties before customizing a herbal concoction.

So here is the thing: he said that men and women need each other for yin and yang balance. He said that the balance is achieved through swopping of bodily fluids among other things. You get the idea? He said if I swallowed a dose of his fluid daily, my breasts would grow and my complexion would be fantastic. He heard that in China/Asia, old prostitutes in desperation to stay young and make firm their sagging breasts would look for a very younger man to input some yang energy, swallowing their semen. Also according to my husband, the woman must stay with the same man, so that their bodies learn to adjust in a symbiotic relationship over time, giving each other what they need. If the man and woman are chemically compatible (according to some 5-element theory), they will derive benefits. For the woman, if during 'treatment' (for him or her?) it is done in the right way (position is important, and he showed me simple circular massage movements to do), she gets bigger breasts.

So being newly married I didn't mind his kinky 'trick' and I thought why not? Now 2 years later, I have had to buy a new wardrobe of bras

Sounds like total and absolute bologny------I'd do it. :loco:

Though I certainly don't want DD's, a B or C would be kinda rad. I won't assume any of you know anything about Chinese Medicine and yin vs. yang in order to make more sense of this, however I felt like posting it because I knew you'd all either 1)get a kick out of it's absurdity or 2) cream your pants.
Why just breasts? If this yin-yang development theory holds, could it be used to increase height, lose weight, gain IQ points?
I've read that you can make your breast size bigger in like 1 month. By rolling ping-pong balls on some special spots on palms and feet :erk:
I still have that article, if anybody's interested - PM me :D
I've read that you can make your breast size bigger in like 1 month. By rolling ping-pong balls on some special spots on palms and feet :erk:
I still have that article, if anybody's interested - PM me :D
A friend accidentally sent me this once.

Sounds like BS to me. Unless there are other factors involved like malnutrition or some medical issue, your body grows to the size it's supposed to be. I've been with my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years, if there was going to be a change it should have started happening by now.

This sounds like all the silly gimmicks for penis enlargement.
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