Brief update on the state of your Union...

Partisan people are idiots. If Republicans were for decapitating babies, their neocon followers would be first in line with cleaver in hand.

I honestly think that their real agenda is just to get back at Dems at every turn.

And who the fuck said anything about the Kennedys? Here's another example of partisan idiocy on the part of Republicans; let's just post a bunch of shit lambasting Democrats who are disliked even by other Democrats.

I'm neither left nor right. I share views of both sides because it's just common sense to hear the whole issue before making up your mind. Someone tell this to neocons, please...or just kill them.
Obama’s Top Five Broken Promises
By Phil Kerpen
Director of Policy, Americans for Prosperity

Promise #5: Sunlight Before Signing

What he said:

“Too often bills are rushed through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to review them. As president, Obama will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.” ( campaign Web site)

What he did:

Obama signed the Lily Ledbetter bill, the SCHIP/cigarette tax hike, and the stimulus bill all with far less than a five-day waiting period that he promised–and continues to promise–on his campaign Web site.

Promise #4: Lobbyist Revolving Door

What he said:

“No political appointees in an Obama-Biden administration will be permitted to work on regulations or contracts directly and substantially related to their prior employer for two years. And no political appointee will be able to lobby the executive branch after leaving government service during the remainder of the administration.” ( campaign Web site)

What he did:

Obama appointed Goldman Sachs lobbyists Mark Patterson chief of staff at the Treasury Department, where he directly oversees his former employer, a recipient of $10 billion of taxpayer funds from the TARP. Obama also appointed Raytheon lobbyist William Lynn to be an undersecretary of Defense.

Promise #3: No Tax Hikes on the Poor

What he said first:

“I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” (September 12, 2008, Dover, N.H.)

What he did first:

By signing H.R. 2 into law, Obama happily signed onto the idea that smokers should pay for a $35 billion expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Plan (SCHIP). Cigarette taxes are going up 61 cents a pack starting April 1. Obama signed this bill knowing that the majority of smokers in the United States are working poor, and one in four lives below the federal poverty line.

What he said next:

“If your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime.” (February 24th, 2009, Address to a Joint Session of Congress)

What he did next:

Ignored the already-hiked cigarette tax at the time of the statement and then this restated promise was broken just two days later, when the Obama’s budget proposal was released. His new budget raises 45 percent of its revenue from energy taxes that will be paid by everyone who fills a gas tank, pays an electric bill, or buys anything that was grown, shipped, or manufactured.

Promise #2: Pork Barrel Earmark Reform

What he said:

“The system is broken. We can no longer accept a process that doles out earmarks based on a member of Congress’ seniority, rather than the merit of the project. We can no longer accept an earmarks process that has become so complicated to navigate that a municipality or non-profit group has to hire high-priced D.C. lobbyists to do it. And we can no longer accept an earmarks process in which many of the projects being funded fail to address the real needs of our country.”

(Statement on Earmarks, March 10, 2008)

What he is expected to do:

The White House has signaled that it intends to sign the $410 billion Omnibus Appropriations bill, which according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, contains 8,570 earmarks totaling $7.7 billion, including dozens of wasteful pork-barrel projects. These earmarks were awarded based on seniority, not on merit, and were mostly the result of high-priced lobbying, precisely the process that Obama promised to end. When the omnibus reaches his desk later this week or next week, we’ll find out if this is one more broken promise.

Promise #1: Big Government

OK, so this one is more of a statement than a promise, but it’s the biggest whopper of all.

What he said:

“Not because I believe in bigger government — I don’t.” (February 24, 2009, Joint Address to Congress)

What he did:

Obama proposed a budget that is breathtaking in scope, a blueprint for the biggest permanent expansion of government in history right on the heels of a sweeping trillion dollar stimulus plan. The budget lays the foundation for a government takeover of the health care and energy sectors and dramatically increasing spending across the board, other than defense weapons programs. Spending as a percentage of the economy under this budget will reach the historic level of 27.7 percent this year. The deficit as a percent of the economy, at 12.3 percent, is set to be the biggest in the entire history of the country outside of the four peak years of World War II. Anyone who offers such a budget can only fairly be described as a believer in bigger government.
How to "Obamafy" Your Career
By Jodi Glickman Brown, Founder of Great on the Job

Advanced Search >> Perhaps President Barack Obama can help save the economy in more ways than one: by following his leadership example, employees at all levels can communicate better, lead better and be more valuable to bosses and colleagues -- all of which may help save your careers.

President Obama may have the most powerful job in the world -- but the way he conducts himself provides important lessons that can be used by workers at any level. Whether you're trying to accelerate your career or just hang onto the job you have now, here are five things you can do to "Obamafy" your career:

Be generous
Turn negatives into positives and share credit. The president could have "gone negative" when Chief Justice Roberts flubbed the oath of office. Instead, he said he was the one who had messed up and thanked Roberts for his help. President Obama's generosity made the chief justice look good and created good will the president could draw on in the future.

Admit to mistakes
"I screwed up." Everyone has -- although fewer admit to it. But when the President of the United States openly acknowledges he made a mistake, it communicates volumes more than the words themselves. After former Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota withdrew his Cabinet nomination over a tax controversy, the president took the blame. Time and again he has said that he and his team will make mistakes, but he also promises to learn from them. That's a leadership attitude that is valued by bosses and subordinates alike.

Make it all about the team
President Obama elevates other people. Notice how often he deflects attention from himself to his staff -- saying things like, "I need the help of these smart people" or "I couldn't have done it without you." Remember, there's no "I" in team -- incorporating the "we" can boost morale and improve productivity.

Learn how to ask for help without sounding dumb
When the president introduced Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, he made a point of saying he needed her help. He was able to cite her experience without diminishing his own leadership. Asking for help strategically can actually make you look smarter. Reaching out to people with relevant experience, asking for examples and soliciting feedback along the way all serve to show you've got good judgment.

Personalize it
Like the best politicians, President Obama is able to make personal connections. When he spoke to soldiers in Afghanistan at an Inaugural ball, he addressed each one in turn and asked the all important question of any Chicagoan: Cubs or White Sox? When you work with teams, you need to make a genuine connection with every member.

The president stands out not only for his political talent, but because he knows how to share credit, accept blame, be self-deprecating, talk straight and make sure that both senior and junior colleagues stand out. Whether you're a senior executive, a manager or an intern, you can learn lessons from President Obama that will make you great on the job.

Jodi Glickman Brown is president of Great on the Job, a career consulting firm that advises workers how to use communication and workplace skills to stand out under any conditions. Her clients include major Wall Street firms, top-tier business schools and universities. A former investment banker at Goldman, Sachs and Co., she is the author of the forthcoming book, "Great on the Job: Communication Strategies for Navigating the Workplace." For more information, visit

Copyright Jodi Glickman Brown All rights reserved
I think Lynn's a dude, everyone...unless I've been completely misled.

Anyway, LMFAO @ my post last night. I know what I meant to say, but at 2:00 am it tends to come out all messed up, :lol:.

In any case, now that I'm semi-coherent...Lynn...dude...seriously. I see where you're coming from, but many of the things you post are just neocon rhetoric and extremely biased. You have yet to present an argument against Obama based on anything besides money, how it affects you personally, or just flat-out shit-slinging. I'm all ears and if you can present something to me that convinces me to disagree with his policies so far, I'll be the first to lead that charge. However, Obama is taking drastic measures because the country is drastically up shit creek without a shovel. If it hadn't been for the neocons' flawless execution and planning of how to fuck up a country for the past 8 years, we might not be in the shape we're in now. Also, we might have even elected a different president. So if you're pissed off because we elected Obama, you have no one else to blame but your own party.

It's quite funny to see you people do quick 180s when you're about to lose money. Apparently it's socialism when the government helps out the normal, average American and you people absolutely lose your shit about it, but when it helps out multi-billion dollar industries, I guess that's ok? That's different because you need it more, right?

I used to be for helping out the banks but not the auto manufacturers, but now they all need to fail, imo. There should be a trial by fire and let every single industry that dug its own hole by being shady and fucking people over fucking bury itself. Cut out all the cancer, not just half of it. Every single industry in deep shit right now deserves every bit of it.
I think Lynn's a dude, everyone...unless I've been completely misled.

Anyway, LMFAO @ my post last night. I know what I meant to say, but at 2:00 am it tends to come out all messed up, :lol:.

In any case, now that I'm semi-coherent...Lynn...dude...seriously. I see where you're coming from, but many of the things you post are just neocon rhetoric and extremely biased. You have yet to present an argument against Obama based on anything besides money, how it affects you personally, or just flat-out shit-slinging. I'm all ears and if you can present something to me that convinces me to disagree with his policies so far, I'll be the first to lead that charge. However, Obama is taking drastic measures because the country is drastically up shit creek without a shovel. If it hadn't been for the neocons' flawless execution and planning of how to fuck up a country for the past 8 years, we might not be in the shape we're in now. Also, we might have even elected a different president. So if you're pissed off because we elected Obama, you have no one else to blame but your own party.

It's quite funny to see you people do quick 180s when you're about to lose money. Apparently it's socialism when the government helps out the normal, average American and you people absolutely lose your shit about it, but when it helps out multi-billion dollar industries, I guess that's ok? That's different because you need it more, right?

I used to be for helping out the banks but not the auto manufacturers, but now they all need to fail, imo. There should be a trial by fire and let every single industry that dug its own hole by being shady and fucking people over fucking bury itself. Cut out all the cancer, not just half of it. Every single industry in deep shit right now deserves every bit of it.

Hey Mr Microanalyzer, I am neither democrat nor republican, but just another pissed off american who is fed up with the swirling whirpool of shit that are the "leaders" of this country. So you can take your "I's" "We's" "Neocons" and park them right up your ass. As for losing money, my fiscal responsibility is right where it should be. In my own hands and in no danger of being flushed away, along with a dozen well paying projects with deposits paid up for the rest of the year. My life style is fairly simplistic, yes I have have some nice things but I got up off my dead ass years ago, took a chance, and stuck my neck out .

Your broad generalizations of every industry that is struggling along deserving to be on the ropes because "everything is corrupt" is a typical fucktard response expected from a transplanted euroidiot who has either joined the "it's cool to bash the U.S. 'cause I'm over here now" or from someone who is not entirely happy with where their lifes choices have landed them and compensates with such dribblings. Regarding many of your past posts we can surmise both.

And about the only reason I go on and post political ballyhoo is it gives me something to read and chuckle over as Chris pops a vein and goes on some superiority intellectual rage post. Some of us enjoy it and it gives me something to read over a morning tea.

Now, I'm going to jump on my horse named Capitalist Pig and take my grease monkey, redneck, gun loving hick ass, rich by dead winter standards, dumb ass american, materialist prick faced self for a nice morning ride.
And about the only reason I go on and post political ballyhoo is it gives me something to read and chuckle over as Chris pops a vein and goes on some superiority intellectual rage post. Some of us enjoy it and it gives me something to read over a morning tea.

That's pretty much why I bat this shit back and forth with you as well. See? We're not so different after all! :lol:

The funny thing is that I'm much more critical of the problems here than I am critical of the problems in the US...I just never rant about them because no one can relate, as no one from the board lives here, and because Europeans tend to have no problem being critical of their own country. They tend to live with their eyes open.

You should really let go of this paranoia you have, thinking the rest of the world is pointing and laughing at the US, like it just peed its pants or something. In reality, no one really cares. It's not "popular" to make fun of the US, as you seem to think. You're just so used to thinking "OMG I'M SO FUCKING AWESOME BECAUSE I DRIVE A NICE CAR" that whenever someone is critical of you, you and your cronies tend to lash out at the first person who comes to your mind, usually France.

As far as thinking you've got money, I'm just going off of what you said. YOU'RE the one who said you've practically retired by the age of 36 and listed off all the things you've accomplished and how much you spend in taxes. It's not "rich by my standards", as you've said. I'm just going off of your word.
You're just so used to thinking "OMG I'M SO FUCKING AWESOME BECAUSE I DRIVE A NICE CAR" that whenever someone is critical of you, you and your cronies tend to lash out at the first person who comes to your mind, usually France.[\QUOTE]

95% of the time I drive a 2002 Pontiac Montana with 160,+++ miles, it's not a dung heap, but does have a stain where my dog barfed in the back. I'm so used to thinking what? Now your some sort of Psyonic? Give up the stereo types dude, your hang ups are showing.