British Gentleman on Islam

As valid for Islam as it is for other religious traditions.

Although, as a citizen of the UK, it's hard not to to empathise with him. The climate is very much as he describes. At times, though, he's pretty off the mark.
As valid for Islam as it is for other religious traditions.

Although, as a citizen of the UK, it's hard not to to empathise with him. The climate is very much as he describes. At times, though, he's pretty off the mark.

Where was he off the mark? I thought he was pretty much on the mark.
I loved it, as they say in the UK,pip pip and cheerio. I wish more people like this made these videos--a intelligent man, semi soft spoken that states his opinion clearly and without reservation. I wish some of the politicians in the US had the balls that this fellow in the UK had and say speak the truth instead of hiding behind a mask of tolerance
Top video :headbang: :headbang:
I wish I could comment on the subject as clearly and fluently...i alway's end up frofing at the mouth, turning red and retorting towards extreame violence :rolleyes: