Mohammed was epileptic

Ironic. It was the 'joke' UN which (irrationally) took the land away from the Muslims. What you're suggesting is anarchic - that rights are distributed down the barrel of a gun. Anyone that has an inkling of an idea of natural justice would reject this view outright. Everyone else are just apes.

And science is fact - live with it.

What I am suggesting is nothing. What I did was give a brief synopsis of how most lands have been taken. Even had I been suggesting it. Calling it anarchy is a stretch. Was the US being taken from England anarchy? Was the allied forces pushing the Germans out of England, Poland and parts of Russia anarchy? I think not. Your summation that I believe rights are distributed down the barrel of a gun is a conclusion you jumped to. Much like the one you jump to in regards to science. The scientific method (what science is based on) uses hypotheses. In other words, a suggested explanation. Nowhere will you find the word fact.
Take the blinders off. Calling those that do not agree with you apes is simply narrow minded.
So what's your point? That lands are taken by force? That isn't even worthy of debate - we all know this is the case. What should be discussed, and what higher thinking beings will be more concerned with, is whether it is right to take the land, by force or other means. I thought we'd evolved to the stage where the is/ought distinction was universally accepted. Just because something is done a certain way, doesn't mean it should be so done. What I was saying was that a blunter level of thinking (might=right) essentially reduces us to apes. That statement has nothing to do with my substantive opinions.

ps. By "science" i'm not talking about falsifiable theories. I'm talking about scientific facts, like the assertion that evolution occurs. As soon as something is verifiable it becomes scientific fact - a suggested explanation is only a theory and there's a difference. You misunderstand the nature of science.
Again, you equate those who subscribe to your mode of thought as the "higher thinking beings". Go back and read what I wrote. I did not advocate armed conflict. I merely pointed out that it would probably wind up that way. It doesn't take one of your "higher thinking beings" to deduce that the Muslim extremists only know one way. Terror.
"This will be decided in force". Yes, but should it be? The whole chain of discussion up until that point was claims to land and you come in with a self-evident statement, I had to think you were trying to make a point. I must have been mistaken

And what exactly is the difference between Muslim extremists (oh - sorry, "terrorists") and the United States.
The United States is "reasonable" when they believe it to be in their best interests to do so. They have also proven themselves willing to do absolutely moronic things that contravene all kinds of laws, just to get their way - from ignoring the UN to using their influence to conduct illegal (yet government sanctioned) kidnappings of terror suspects who turn out to be innocent to suspending many of the supposed "rights" they grant whenever they feel like they need to get something done. Massive hypocrites with only $$$$ and power on their minds at the end of the day.
I don't agree with much of what you wrote but, I do agree that the US does tend to cater to Israel. I am generally not bothered by this because those that oppose Israel are generally enemies of the US.
In regards to the UN, I am glad we don't listen to them. The UN is a corrupt organization.
Fuck the U.N.
Since when does the U.S. answer to the U.N.?

Although I could care less about the Jews or that cursed religious wasteland, I support the Jews over the Muslims. Because the Jews created a democracy in that desert hell hole. I'll take a liberal Jewish democracy over a conservative Muslim theocracy anyday.

And one more thing... Scientists have recently used DNA to trace all humans to one woman who existed in Africa tens of thousands of years ago. Every body in the world is a descendent of her. Even you.
As long as the U.S. is content to keep so much power invested in the U.N. and to use it to their advantage whenever the fuck they want, they should answer to it just like any other nation that has places on the Security Council, etc. If its so corrupt, bow the fuck out!

BTW DR.TEETH, I like the avatar and its total bullshit the amount of trouble generated by those pictures!
I don't agree with much of what you wrote but, I do agree that the US does tend to cater to Israel. I am generally not bothered by this because those that oppose Israel are generally enemies of the US.
In regards to the UN, I am glad we don't listen to them. The UN is a corrupt organization.

Interesting. In what way do you think the UN is corrupt? Is it inherently corrupt, or are you talking about certain past practices (which have been corrupt, but only due to certain officials and states). I understand the UN does not operate under the rule of law, nor does it have anything resembling a separation of powers but the organization itself has no reason to be corrupt - only its constituent members do.

I have faith in the UN, maybe too much. I think given greater Security Council powers and willingness to take action (which has been seen in recent years) and a serious rethinking of the veto power it's developing at the rate it should be (slowly but steadily). I think in several hundred years something resembling a world government is inevitable and UN is just the first step.
Interesting. In what way do you think the UN is corrupt? Is it inherently corrupt, or are you talking about certain past practices (which have been corrupt, but only due to certain officials and states). I understand the UN does not operate under the rule of law, nor does it have anything resembling a separation of powers but the organization itself has no reason to be corrupt - only its constituent members do.

I have faith in the UN, maybe too much. I think given greater Security Council powers and willingness to take action (which has been seen in recent years) and a serious rethinking of the veto power it's developing at the rate it should be (slowly but steadily). I think in several hundred years something resembling a world government is inevitable and UN is just the first step.

oil-for-food, allowing Saddam Hussein to toss out weapons inspectors and ignore every sanction leveled against them, the rape of little girls in areas where so-called UN 'peacekeepers' are assigned to protect them and supply food and medicine...

the UN is the greatest threat to the free world that history has ever known. :mad:
I don't agree with much of what you wrote but, I do agree that the US does tend to cater to Israel. I am generally not bothered by this because those that oppose Israel are generally enemies of the US.
In regards to the UN, I am glad we don't listen to them. The UN is a corrupt organization.

This is an interesting thing you wrote concerning Israel. I just wonder if we have enemies based on our support of Israel.
This is an interesting thing you wrote concerning Israel. I just wonder if we have enemies based on our support of Israel.

we do.
ever had somebody hate you because of who your friends were?
well, this is just as stupid, only bloodier.

when that happens, do you abandon your friends so that other people will like you?
Sue, thanks for that link. I wonder how many lists I am on now that I have gone to this site? :heh:

i'm sorry to have to tell you this, and there's no easy way to say it, so i'll just come out with it:

you're going to die.
we do.
ever had somebody hate you because of who your friends were?
well, this is just as stupid, only bloodier.

when that happens, do you abandon your friends so that other people will like you?

If the person's friend moves in to your house, trashes it, eats food out of your refrigerator and throws you out with his support and backing, i'd probably hate that person too.