Broken Church Organ

Through the link,the vid didnt work for me, 'video not accessible' it wouldn't play. So I tried another way through the site to get to it and it said 'copyrights restrict us from playing the video outside the u.s':erk:
hmm...i wonder if mike has perfect pitch...when hes talking about per breaking the organ, he says it gets stuck on the low E and then he sings a note. that note is in fact, an E. that he can just pull that note out of the air is awesome.
hmm...i wonder if mike has perfect pitch...when hes talking about per breaking the organ, he says it gets stuck on the low E and then he sings a note. that note is in fact, an E. that he can just pull that note out of the air is awesome.

Wouldn't be surprising at all. He's got a killer ear, which I assume is partially responsible for his ability to come up with some profoundly intricate music despite knowing dick about theory.
Yeah, I saw it. Does it mean that we'll hear church organ on "Watershed"?

Yes, but that's old news.

hmm...i wonder if mike has perfect pitch...when hes talking about per breaking the organ, he says it gets stuck on the low E and then he sings a note. that note is in fact, an E. that he can just pull that note out of the air is awesome.

To me it sounded like he just radomly sung some low note. Apparently it just appeared to be E.
E is a pretty easy note for guitarists to pull out of thin air. Especially a metal guitarist. I haven't verified that he actually sang an E, but my initial thought while watching it was "I think he's actually singing an E". I was in a singing group in college, and we sang one song so much, that started with a C, that I began to be able to produce C on demand. Not perfect pitch, but good pitch memory. I'd be more impresed if he could sing a G sharp on request, or something quite unrelated to E. If he has good relative pitch, which I don't doubt, he would be able to find most notes pretty quickly. Especially parts of the E triad. Anyhow.... Poor Fred just sort of has to sit there in these interviews, huh?
I remember reading about this on MTV news in march, I see they have elaborated.