Broken Church Organ

^Haha yeah :lol:

I really hope that Per's work is good. I wasnt to much of a fan of his GR stuff. In a review it says his work is more prominent than ever so I'm hoping ill like it.
I even wonder how is it posible to play loud or low enough to brake something as huge as church organs.
It's not about playing too loud or low. Of course if someone has build that kind of instrument you can play as loud and low as possible for the instrument. He probably just played too hard.

^I was gonna post that as well. You can tell an interview isn't going to be very comprehensive when the interviewer can't spell the person name they are interviewing.
Toki Wartooth is based on Mike? I never knew that and I don't see the resemblance at all when I watch the show. o_o

Toki acts like a mentally challenged kid though... that's kind of insulting isn't it? :lol:
I'd say he's more Thordendal than Åkerfeldt.

he LOOKS like thordendal, but his character itself, is based on mike.

and no, its not insulting, its all in good fun.

if someone made a character in a show about me and he was dumb as shit I'd still see it as a sign of respect that it was based on ME, its humor, not just ripping someone and making them look like a dumbfuck without any storyline.
is it just me, or is Mike the I-do-the-talking-husband, and fredrik the silent wife(with something you almost can call a beard) on somekind of school related meeting lol ?
E is a pretty easy note for guitarists to pull out of thin air. Especially a metal guitarist. I haven't verified that he actually sang an E, but my initial thought while watching it was "I think he's actually singing an E". I was in a singing group in college, and we sang one song so much, that started with a C, that I began to be able to produce C on demand. Not perfect pitch, but good pitch memory. I'd be more impresed if he could sing a G sharp on request, or something quite unrelated to E. If he has good relative pitch, which I don't doubt, he would be able to find most notes pretty quickly. Especially parts of the E triad. Anyhow.... Poor Fred just sort of has to sit there in these interviews, huh?

He obviously has good relative hearing. Every good vocalist has good hearing, you gotta have it if you wanna sing clean (meaning not miss pitches by quarter steps which really hurts.)

Good relative hearing is essential for good vocalists. Once you have that all you need is good tone, and you're ready to go
if my Dad was younger he could have gone over to mend the organ for Opeth as he used to build them years ago, dont know what he would think of Opeths music though.

Im not sure how you break an organ though unless he left a long bassnote resonating and the vibration caused it to fail. eother that or two notes really close together in pitch can cause a 3rd really low pitch note to sound, this can be below 20hz and probably would cause problems to an old organ.