Brutal guitar tone (Periphery, ITB, Born of Osiris)


May 19, 2012
Just wanted to know what u guys about this guitar tone:
I tried to make a tone similar to Periphery and I The Breather especially. I made a EQ tone match with Ozone of one of the songs on the first Periphery album and then created an IR of the tone match EQ. Then i added another TS so my Pod farm chain is like this: NS - TS - NS - TS - NS - Treadplate - Compressor. And then i loaded keFir with my custom IR and some post EQ'ing. I used very little drive on the TS and Amp, since the two TS's boost the signal so much u barely need any :)
Teh tonez 3s 2 Br00t4l! But seriously turned our really good! I think it sounds more I, The Breather Than Periphery. Nearly nailed it! Would you mind sharing?
Thx guys!
benjy: I could send you the IR if you want, but the IR is made with my guitar so it will probably not sound the same with your guitar, maybe if you have the same pick ups though (EMG 81-7). The Pod farm preset is not that special, just try what i mentioned.

Habsburgs: Letter Experiment, the intro with only guitars.
Alright dude I do have a guitar with an emg 81 but it's all cool. I'm trying to learn how to match eq right now.
Guitars sound a little too metallic for my taste but it sounds good. And is it justo or are your drums a little off center? Sounded like you have them panned about 15% to the right.
Guitars sound a little too metallic for my taste but it sounds good. And is it justo or are your drums a little off center? Sounded like you have them panned about 15% to the right.

Do u mean kick and snare? Toms and OH are supposed to be panned ^^
No everything is actually center, im not sure why u hear that, to me they are fine :guh:
Bay Studio: Yeah i noticed that my guitars got lowered in volume for several seconds after the first bass drop, lowered the volume on the bass drop with 4 dB and it fixed it :)

musicman61554: I dont really remember the name on the VST but i used a plugin that comes with reaper that generates a sine wave. I then made different drops for different tunings and automated the pitch to get the sound i liked. I also used MaxxBass which makes the low freqs more audible and makes the bass "thicker" i think. There are tutorials on how to do this in reaper, or u could just download this: It sounds good and is treated with MaxxBass.