Bullshit Rumors Started By "metallica Sucks Horse Cock"


New Metal Member
Mar 26, 2002
Napa, CA
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Any one here hear about this yet? If anyone knows this dickhead, bash his stupid face in. He posted this somewhere, and it spread like wildfire all across the net. Man people sure are stupid and gullible..... Metallica sues Cannibal Corpse? Yeah, right. Lars is a friend of Brian Slagel. It's a fucking hoax. Go to the Pantera board and check it out. It's retarded. They all think it's funny as hell. I don't. Why would a label let a band record a song they can't release? Simple, they wouldn't. They had permission to use it before they did it obviously. They didn't change any of the words either, so how can they get sued? See, this was all started by some ignorant little mallcore faggot who is probably like fourteen years old and doesn't know shit from shinola about the music industry. I've already seen the fake Metal Blade press release, and the response from the CC camp, (the guy ripped him a new one) Can't remember the dude's name though..... But obviously this is bullshit. Think for yourselves people, don't be fooled by rumors that don't make any sense..... I asked Jack about this and I'm waiting to hear from him, might take a few days for him to check his mail. but I will let you guys know what's up when I hear from him.... You can view what we all had to say about it on our board too. Go to www.talesfromthepit.com and look at the main board. It's under the thread title "metallica sues cannibal corpse??"
I heard that rumour as well, posted on another message board. Needless to say I believed it as first - I don't understand why because it's obviously a lie.

Anyway, Scott, the webmaster of the cannibal corpse official website has set the record straight and said it's definalty a hoax and none of it is true.
yeah, I saw all the other threads that popped up. Go Scott! find him and destroy him! "heavy must stay together, all others must die!" Paul Baloff RIP SMASH EVERYTHING!!!!!!