Burzum - Belus (aka "Den Hvite Guden") (2010)

The Lords Of Lies: Part VI - The Lords of Chaos Movie
The Lords of Chaos Movie

The first question that came into my mind when I heard about the plans for a Lords of Chaos movie was "why"? Why on earth would anyone want to make a film based on that worthless book? How is it even possible when the book is made up of nothing but a number of inaccurate interviews, supplemented by unfounded claims and meaningless and utterly ignorant theories by the writers? When I saw that I was a character in the movie I was even more puzzled, and my next question was naturally; "can they even do that?" They never asked for my permission to use my name or my story.

Now, they are apparently basing the story of this movie not on my story, but on the Lords of Chaos story. Unfortunately the Lords of Chaos story is not only nonsense; incoherent and utterly contradictive, but it is also very lacking in information regarding the lives and traits of the individuals to be included as characters in the movie. One could easily think that this would make it impossible for anybody to make a movie based on this book, but of course if you simply fill in the holes yourself...

As I write this I am smiling, because this is funny. In a bizarre and weird kind of way it really is. They base it on a fictional story that is based on real events and poorly written by two ignorant amateurs, then write a script without ever talking to anyone who might know something about the story the two ignorant amateurs base their story on, and then have a few more Hollywood individuals re-write the script a few times, to make it fit into the Hollywood-mold, of course. What are we left with? Well; another Hollywood movie "based on real events", of course. (You don't actually think the other Hollywood movies "based on real events" are any better, do you!?)

I honestly couldn't care less about what this movie might do to the contemporary Black Metal scene, or what it might do to any other metal scene for that sake, so I am not even going to discuss that. Being an egocentric and egotistical bastard I naturally only care about what this movie might do to me, and you know what? It cannot hurt me, no matter what. It can only increase my market value, so to speak, making it easier for me to sell more albums, publish and sell more books, and so forth, so... It'll give me even more freedom to do what I want. If I want to I can always tell the true story myself, later on, and even more individuals will be interested in the true story if these guys make the movie. I don't know if they have considered this, or if they care at all, but this is a fact.

Now, I really don't like it when others spread lies about me, and I can tell my truth well enough without their movie promoting my name, so if the movie is a complete failure I will only be happy. If it is a success I will also be happy because that will increase my market value even more. So; good luck, guys, or don't... I really don't care. It's a win-win situation for me.

With that said, I really have to say that the makers of this movie should be ashamed of themselves. They never asked Euronymous' family for permission to use his tragic story. Nor did they ever ask for my permission to use my story. Instead they went behind our backs and went to the lowlife writers of Lords of Chaos. They are in my eyes and for this reason alone nothing but dishonest scum and deserve to be boycotted by everyone and everything out there. Go find another host, you spineless parasites!

Varg Vikernes
December 2009

Varg's thoughts about the upcoming movie..interesting to read his take on it
As I write this I am smiling, because this is funny.

I wonder if he has anyone proofread and/or edit his little 'columns' he writes. If not, I am also impressed by his writing ability and fluency in English, which seems strange given some of Burzum's songs with English lyrics don't seem like they were written by the same Varg who posts these blogs or whatever you want to call them. He is definitely one of the most intelligent musicians in metal, I only hope those 14 or however many years he spent in prison haven't dulled his artistic sensibilities.

To be honest I'm not holding out a lot of hope for this new album as far as it being the next Burzum masterpiece is concerned, not because I lost my faith left in VV's abilities but because I hate being let down by artists I hold in high esteem and as a consequence I developed this defense mechanism years ago.

Whether the album is mind-blowing, above average, decent, or an utter disappointment, it will still be extremely interesting to see how he has progressed as an artist. I agree absolutely with whoever said this has to be the most anticipated metal album of the last decade. I should have a copy in my possession within a week following my 24th birthday so this will make a nice little present to make up for the total fail that was last Christmas.

edit: I have to add, I am disappointed with album cover. I was expecting an original piece of art (alright, I know that photography is art, but you know what I mean...) and the 'majestic trees in the mighty forest' album art has become so stale due to the 2,000 or so black and folk metal albums sporting almost identical cover art.
I have to agree though that a photo of the forest really is becoming boring as an album cover..and besides no one has done it as well as Kongh on their debut anyway:


Ehm, watsup with the lime-green light in both of these album covers? It looks like a mystical forest full of fairies and elves...Kongh's forest has the ominous feel of trolls and rapists..and last time I checked trolls > fairies on the kvlt-meter

PLUS the title on the Beherit album is blocking 65% of the frikkin cover, Kongh had the decency to not only make theirs smaller, but to fade it in with the background..

Now commence telling me why I'm wrong :)
Kongh's cover looks like a shitty photoshop cover tbh. At least Marblebog's and Beherit's have somewhat of an organic look to them.

Also the forest on Beherit's looks dead and manly as fuck. If that's not grim I dunno what is. You fail.
Yeah, I don't see what's so great about that Kongh cover. Looks like shit to me.