Burzum - Belus (aka "Den Hvite Guden") (2010)

PLUS the title on the Beherit album is blocking 65% of the frikkin cover, Kongh had the decency to not only make theirs smaller, but to fade it in with the background..

Now commence telling me why I'm wrong :)

Yeah but at least Beherit's logo is cool and not some retarded ornate thing for no reason. ;)
Kongh's cover looks like a shitty photoshop cover tbh.

Yeah because cranking up the green on the color convoluter doesn't?!

Bad rebuttal

Also I see I am overwhelmingly losing this battle because no one is on my side so I'm going to be quiet about this. I just wanted The Butt to acknowledge his moronic statement.
herp de derp i misunderstand entirely, im a fucking dunce


It has nothing to do with the color of the cover. LOOK at the Beherit and Marblebog covers. Both of them look like ACTUAL photographs, actual ORGANIC-looking images, as opposed to Photoshopped bullshit like the Kongh cover.

Somebody schooled in art (V5, are you here bud?) will understand what I am saying.
I'm with CC completely on this one. The Marblebog cover is alright, but the Beherit one is pretty dull and amateurish, especially due to the absurd logo size, and the Kongh cover is the best of the three, although their logo is shit. The Burzum cover is nice, but I agree that it's not exactly blazing it's own path. He should probably just change it to a photo of his balls just to fuck with people.
How the hell is the Kongh one better? At least the Marblebog one, though pretty uninteresting and unoriginal, actually looks like a picture of a goddamn forest. The Kongh one is mostly just a picture of some fucking foliage on the ground. And at least the Marblebog one is sort of evocative. The Kongh one just looks like the kind of thing my girlfriend would take with her mid-quality camera. It is even more uninteresting than the Marbelbog cover.

The best, personally.
Wait, isn't that the exact same font that Burzum uses? I don't see how it's cheesy, though it's much less imaginative than creating an original logo. You people need to stop saying really weird things.
I think it's cheesy BECAUSE it's used so often..

Also I think you guys are completely misunderstanding the Kongh photo as opposed to the others...the forest is DEAD! No shit you don't see great big trees etc..it's all fucking dead and bleak and meaningless...and YES they are a doom metal band

Furthermore, it appeals to me because the forest in question is Swedish and I used to go to those kinds of forest as a child to pick mushrooms (yeah I said it)
Only on a metal forum would people be arguing over the meanings behind pictures of trees and foliage.
Writing a band's name in a pre-existing font doesn't count as a logo. I'll give Bathory and Burzum passes on that, but for everyone else it was gay and lame.