Burzum - Belus (aka "Den Hvite Guden") (2010)

Yeah, I'm excited.
I really like how Keilohesten was feeling; not liking the shit sound on that drum in Morgenroede though.
I just knew the contrarians over at ANUS would have plenty of negative things to say about these samples. Since it's apparently not possible to link to ANUS over here, I'll just quote the blog posting in question.

Now that preorders are in and amazon.co.bbi has posted samples of Burzum's new work Belus, we can confidently reveal a verdict:

It does sound more like Venom. Dumbed down, that is. Too often vocals hit the same emphasis beats as the guitars and drums follow them around like a younger brother with Down's syndrome. Obvious riffs are obvious. Wish we could hear the songs develop, but from what's come out so far... maybe it's time to put our heads under the covers and remember old Burzum instead.

The shorter tracks sound like he's trying to do Filosofem as if crafted by a combination between Drudkh and later Destruction. This is very straightforward and without subtlety. Longer tracks sound like a re-interpretation in dumbed-down form of the older material. I never thought I'd see the day Burzum made a Cold Lake, but at least Cold Lake was good Megadeth-inspired heavy metal.

This is just dross.
You can confidently reveal a verdict on some 30 second track samples and make generalizations about the whole album with your judgment weighed heavily on an obvious bias towards "old Burzum". Nice. ANUS; always there when you need a ridiculous comment on something in metal.
I'm glad he pointed out that the obvious riffs are obvious, I wouldn't have been able to tell they were obvious if he hadn't (obviously) pointed that out... obviously.

What a douche, agreed V5 - it's a tiny clip, wtf do they have to go off of.
The tragic irony in knee-jerk reactions on the part of ANUS of all things never gets old.

I hear some old Burzum all around in these samples, and I can already tell that it's being put to use in a fresh manner. I am excited.
Looks like the material is going to be a bit less ambient oriented, and that's fine with me. If that means that it sounds more "obvious", then so what, Varg proved he could make great riff-oriented music on the first two albums, and I honestly prefer those to the later ones.

lol @ anus douchebags, why do they always have to be present in the periphery of metal discussions? As far as I know none of them have ever written a masterpiece of their own. But I guess if you don't have talent or understanding enough to make your own music you can always make a mark with your pretentious fanzine. I bet in reality those asshats wouldn't even be able to keep a 4/4 drum beat.
Some descent stuff in here..."viii. Belus' Tilbakekomst (Konklusjon") seemed to have a Filosofem vibe, so looking forward to check that out.
the samples sounds kinda good, i was hoping that it sucks because all of you got high expectations and you couldn't help it, it would have been fun to see the disappointment in your faces.
Well I was timid to even listen to the album for fear of being disappointed... but after those samples, I cant wait.