Burzum - Belus (aka "Den Hvite Guden") (2010)

As of right now, my favorite tracks are Glemselens Elv and Kaimadalthas' Nedstigning. This album is decent and i like all of the tracks. The atmosphere is top notch and the new vocals sound excellent. IMO Sverddans is not nearly as bad as everyone says it is. I actually think the lead from the middle of the song to the end is awesome as fuck.

This album may not be as good as Det som engang var or Filosofem but it definitely met my standards for an epic return

Btw, i still need to get my hands on the actual CD. Is there really a big difference?
For me he will always be a giant ego hyped way beyond the limitations of his talent. But you know what? This album was not too bad.
I dont know. I actually play Belus right now and Sverddans just started playing. Its so misplaced. The chorus really sounds like a parody to me. I kind of enjoy the overaly melodic guitar work during the 3/4 of the song but not on a Burzum album. To me it just sounds so misplaced. For me Burzum should sound serious, emotional and atmospheric. Not comic like Sverddans sounds to my ears. I still think he never should have included that one on the album.

It's interesting you say that because that's exactly how I felt about War the first time I listened to it. Here is this simmering, vast, grim band like Burzum which consists mainly of layered oceans of notes and subtley textured feedback, and then here comes this 2 & a half minute rocker with a thrash riff and an anthemic fuckin' chorus. But I fuckin' loved it to death. And of course that's exactly why I loved it. It comes on and he's like "This is WAR!" It was like a joke, like he was throwing a bone to the people for whom the more textured material was difficult. It was like a joke but it was so fucking incredible, that even though it literally made me laugh every time it came on (the first several times, at least) it was still just about the awesomest thing I had ever heard. I'm very into that kind of self-aware semi-humor...
Yeah that sounds like something I would say :)

Im not sure how much I have warmed up to "Sverddans" though. I dont laugh at it as much now but that is to be expected since I have listened to the album quite a lot recently. But man, I would prefer it if there was yet another one of these long epic typse song on there instead. Or if "sverddans" was just an acoustic interlude or something. I dont like breaking the atmosphere like that with a thrashy song with a chant-along chorus (that style has its place but not in Burzum).
After over ten listens I have to say this album is perfectly structured and not a single song is mediocre nor out of place.
^I have to disagree. I feel the song, can't recall the name but it's 2:33 long, feels out of place compared with the other 8-10 min tracks of pure atmospheric bm burzum style.

As much as the album is fantastic, it is not perfect. No Burzum album is, they are all flawed works. Consistency is not a trait of Vikernes' work imo.
I'm not too impressed with it yet. Given, during my first listen, I was stressed out about a snow storm I had to drive through. I'll give it a second chance during Spring break or something when I can actually relax for its duration.
I love those new pictures. He looks like Father Time. And that's another good interview.

So, hey, have people been recieve their copies of Belus in the mail yet? I'm hoping it will arrive very soon.