Burzum - Belus (aka "Den Hvite Guden") (2010)

Varg is a very smart guy who thinks some dumb things. As he himself points out though that really has no bearing on the enjoyment of his music.

Yeah I can appreciate his intelligence even though his views does not correlate with mine a lot of the time. In general Im drawn to people who are well-read and can support their views one way or another whatever the views might actually be.
Overall I was expecting better. The riffs haven't stuck with me yet. And I really wish that he didn't spend half the running time of the album playing those clunky syncopated drum beats. Where did the double bass go?
I feel like I am completely missing the theme portrayed in this album. There are parts where I am in awe with, yet parts where I am left confused, but I feel like I just need to understand the atmosphere and concept of the album more.
I'm sure someone will properly translate it eventually.

I think the beauty of this album and the concept is that you don't need to understand the lyrics to understand what is going on. The music speaks for itself, like it should.
I asked the webmaster back when it was first announced whether or not there were plans for english translations and he just said "yes." Obviously it hasn't happened yet. I just got the album in the mail right now, I still haven't heard a second of it yet.
Solid album. It's hard to say where it fits with the other work right now, but it's definitely an album worthy of multiple listens.
I like it because it's oldschool norwegian black metal almost. He pretty much seems to have picked up where he left off. So I could guess that in a few years he'll up the quality and sell out.

I have only heard it a few times though....so I might hate it in a week.

And yeah the drumming is pretty lame, he should have hired Frost.
The drumming is fine. But I have to wonder if Varg omitted riffs that called for beats that he didn't feel comfortable playing. I'm not so sure this wasn't the case, as there's a lot of rhythmic stuff here. I don't think anything on the album is poorly played, but I'd be disappointed if the parts chosen were limited to the ones he could play drums easily for. I mean, this is really bare-bones stuff, and all the prior Burzum albums had more ambitious performances on drums, even if it meant sacrificing some tightness.

While I'm reluctant to give much credit for what's going on with the drums, I think the vocal performance is just right. I think that fits perfectly.
More translations are up on the website. I like how they differentiate between "American" and British English but not, say, Québécois and French or "Mexican" and Spanish, or hell, even Flemish and Dutch! :rolleyes: