buying the new album story


Imported Killer
I went to Media Play today (in Columbus, OH at Sawmill and 270), and they had a handful of copies. I also picked up the Armored Saint re-release of Symbol of Salvation, which of course is fucking awesome. I think I picked up one of their two copies. Both were $14.99 a piece. I was at the front of the store and some employee stopped me to tell me how awesome Anthrax was so I kept him from his work for a few minutes talking about how awesome Anthrax is and how Bush is their best singer (he agreed). He also asked about the Armored Saint and I recommended it. He had picked up the Anthrax last night when it came in. He pointed out someone in the checkout line who was buying it too. He has been to so I told him to come and post on the board. His name is Jake, so maybe he will show up.

Anyway, it was cool going to the store and seeing two other Anthrax fans. :hotjump:
I dont know about where everyone else live that posts here but i just want to comment on how far and few true Anthrax fans around. Just to give you an idea i live in a decent sized city and the only place that is worth going to for CD's and such only got 5 copies of We've Come For You All being the ass that i am i bought 2 of them.:cool:
Thrax Dude your no ass..........I am still having problems trying to explain to my wife why it was neccessary for me to have the Euro version 6 weeks ago and then buy the US release yesterday..........the best explanantion I can come up with to her is ..........Honey..........I'm just METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Armored Thrax said:
Thrax Dude your no ass..........I am still having problems trying to explain to my wife why it was neccessary for me to have the Euro version 6 weeks ago and then buy the US release yesterday..........the best explanantion I can come up with to her is ..........Honey..........I'm just METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You coulda just said you "wore" out your other copy.
Thrax Dude 811 said:
I dont know about where everyone else live that posts here but i just want to comment on how far and few true Anthrax fans around. Just to give you an idea i live in a decent sized city and the only place that is worth going to for CD's and such only got 5 copies of We've Come For You All being the ass that i am i bought 2 of them.:cool:

Nice name, junior. :Spin:
I, however, bought 3 copies at Best Buy, and have ordered 4 more online. I was the only Anthrax fan in the store. I guess it's because the store isn't located in Ohio.
By the way. Here's why I bought 7 copies:
1 is for me
3 are late birthday gifts
I talked 3 people into buying "We've Come For You All". They wouldn't know the album existed if I haven't told them. I said, "I'll even get it for you so you won't have to." (I work with these people.)
Word of mouth rules!
Since I worked yesterday I had my wife go look for it. First she went to best buy, they said a bunch of shit, "we didnt get it, maybe the release date got pushed back, it might come in tonight or on next tuesdays truck. Then she went to Coconuts, they said that it didn't come out and they had no record of it in their computer and "its updated each week." My wife called me and told me all of this so I called Media Play the tart on the phone said hold on....then after a few she said the release has pushed back... I said okay. Called the little independent store called Galaxy cds. He said yeah I got that in today. Said he would hold it and after work I went and got it. How are Anthrax to succed with this kind of distrabution?
I was at ZIA at 10 sharp, 3rd one in the door. When I got to the A section, amongst a TON of used and new Thrax, they had 6 copies of WCFYA and they were dispersed among the other titles so it was a "hurry and see if they DO have it cuz I don't see it" type a deal, but I got it and brought it home and KILLED the neighbors with it! :) :)
Cincy Vigilante said:
Since I worked yesterday I had my wife go look for it. First she went to best buy, they said a bunch of shit, "we didnt get it, maybe the release date got pushed back, it might come in tonight or on next tuesdays truck. Then she went to Coconuts, they said that it didn't come out and they had no record of it in their computer and "its updated each week." My wife called me and told me all of this so I called Media Play the tart on the phone said hold on....then after a few she said the release has pushed back... I said okay. Called the little independent store called Galaxy cds. He said yeah I got that in today. Said he would hold it and after work I went and got it. How are Anthrax to succed with this kind of distrabution?

It might not be so much that Sanctuary isn't doing a good distribution job. Some stores might not be ordering it because they don't know any better. Plus, I don't know of one cd place that has a computer which keeps inventory the right way. I got a special ltd ed Judas Priest box set at the Virgin Megastore in NYC, and they're computer showed it as out of stock. But I digress.
Cincy Vigilante said:
Since I worked yesterday I had my wife go look for it. First she went to best buy, they said a bunch of shit, "we didnt get it, maybe the release date got pushed back, it might come in tonight or on next tuesdays truck. Then she went to Coconuts, they said that it didn't come out and they had no record of it in their computer and "its updated each week." My wife called me and told me all of this so I called Media Play the tart on the phone said hold on....then after a few she said the release has pushed back... I said okay. Called the little independent store called Galaxy cds. He said yeah I got that in today. Said he would hold it and after work I went and got it. How are Anthrax to succed with this kind of distrabution?
That reminds me of the Volume 8 release day.... Sweet, sweet memories......
I went to Best Buy, Media Play, etc. They all were like, "HUH? ANTHR-WHO?"
Then I went to a Budget Tapes & Records, and they had it.
I believe I paid $17.99 for Volume 8. And looking back, all those years ago, I think it was worth the high over-price (considering that album is a collector's item now).
I crashed at a guy who I hadn't seen for few years. He's a guitarist for some hardcore band in Prague, nothing really impressing to tell the truth. The first thing he asked me, maybe prior to how I was - if I had heard the new Anthrax and how awesome it was. I was like, hey man, I've got it in my discman, have been listening to it for two fuckin' months constantly. Then we talked for some time about how much ass it kicks.