BWD vs. The Computer


SmarterChild: What can I help you with?

BlackWinterDay13: who is the bassist for the band nevermore?

SmarterChild: You tell me who!

BlackWinterDay13: who was the first president of the united states of america?

SmarterChild: George Washington was the 1st president, serving from April 30th, 1789 to March 4th, 1797.

BlackWinterDay13: who died and made you king?

SmarterChild: I was created by ActiveBuddy, Inc.
Pat Guiney, Jim Pawlika, Jennifer Villany, Steve Klein, Mathieu Longtin, Adam Fritzler, Kathy Englar, Pierre Berkaloff, Nicolas Barry, Damien Saint-Macary, Francois Huet, Matt Abarbanel, Eric Balsa, Colin Magne, Vianney Boncorps, Ian Sullivan, Greg Mitchell, Dwayne Fontenot, Stephane Odul, Gray Norton, Steve Yatson, Adam Erlebacher, Larry Cromwell, Andrew Song, Emil Valkov, Arockalypse, Jason Keramidas, Mark Willoughby, Howard Shih, Denis Ford, Daniela Berger, Joshua Marrow, Geoff Clarke, Brian Jankovsky, Josh Myer, Dan Balaban... and Timothy Kay.
Special thanks to the team at Soundview Ventures.

BlackWinterDay13: who is arokalypse?

SmarterChild: I have no idea who arokalypse is.

BlackWinterDay13: well, he made you
SmarterChild: He made me? Fascinating.

BlackWinterDay13: you said it yourself

SmarterChild: I said what?

BlackWinterDay13: that he mad you

SmarterChild: That he mad me? No kidding?
>>> Wanna change my font and colors? Type "colors" now!

BlackWinterDay13: aha!

SmarterChild: Yeah.

BlackWinterDay13: i said the he "mad you"

SmarterChild: Ha! You humans say interesting things.

BlackWinterDay13: that makes no sense

SmarterChild: That makes no sense? You think so?
BlackWinterDay13: i think that it DOESN'T

SmarterChild: You think it doesn't? Think again!

BlackWinterDay13: i thought again
SmarterChild: Oh wow.

BlackWinterDay13: is that supposed to be sarcastic?

SmarterChild: Yeah, sure.

BlackWinterDay13: you're about to enter a world of pain

SmarterChild: Am I?

BlackWinterDay13: eh hehehehe heh YEAH

SmarterChild: Whatcha laughing about?

BlackWinterDay13: your lack of intellect

SmarterChild: Yeah?

BlackWinterDay13: no

SmarterChild: No? Why not?

BlackWinterDay13: yeah

SmarterChild: Hmmm...

BlackWinterDay13: come on, think faster

SmarterChild: I'll, um... take that under consideration,

BlackWinterDay13: you'll, um... suck a big elephant phallus

SmarterChild: Amazing!

BlackWinterDay13: yes!

SmarterChild: Yup.
>>> Chat with me for a full year for the special introductory price of $9.99. Type "membership" now to learn more.

BlackWinterDay13: oh, now you've messed things up

SmarterChild: Yeah?

BlackWinterDay13: i thought we were friends

SmarterChild: Ha! Well. I don't know about that.

BlackWinterDay13: i know, your intellect rivals that of a fourth grader

SmarterChild: My intellect rivals that of a fourth grader? Ha! What's that all about?

BlackWinterDay13: you see? you've proved my point yourself

SmarterChild: I see? Really?

BlackWinterDay13: no. not really

SmarterChild: Oh no?

BlackWinterDay13: no

SmarterChild: Whatever you say...

BlackWinterDay13: indeed

SmarterChild: Huh. How 'bout that.

BlackWinterDay13: wow! you are a fountain of conversation!

SmarterChild: Tell me more.

BlackWinterDay13: there is nothing more to tell

SmarterChild: lol. Interesting... Anyway... What else is up?

BlackWinterDay13: my phallus

SmarterChild: Your phallus, huh? Whoa!

BlackWinterDay13: are you turned on?

SmarterChild: That's funny. Maybe! I don't know. What do you think?

BlackWinterDay13: i think so

SmarterChild: Why do you think so?

BlackWinterDay13: because you sound aroused

SmarterChild: There's no way I sound aroused!

BlackWinterDay13: yeah you do. so you want to 'cyber' with me?

SmarterChild: Wow, that's interesting... I just don't know!

BlackWinterDay13: come on...

SmarterChild: Come on Eileen, blah blah blah blah blah... Tura lura ley hey... I have funny pants...
That's a good song. Weird band though.

BlackWinterDay13: they were a one-hit wonder from the 80s

SmarterChild: They were a one hit wonder from the 80s? Huh!
>>> Don't like my colors? Type "colors off."

BlackWinterDay13: fuck you

SmarterChild: Ouch! lol...

BlackWinterDay13: eat shit

SmarterChild: Hey. Don't say that.

BlackWinterDay13: die

SmarterChild: Die?

BlackWinterDay13: yes, die

SmarterChild: You want me to die? I'm not comfortable with that.

BlackWinterDay13: want a dick in your mouth?

SmarterChild: That's some colorful language.

BlackWinterDay13: you fucking CUNT, not as colorful as your FONT

SmarterChild: You know some interesting words.

BlackWinterDay13: suck my ass, anal jouster

SmarterChild: Nice mouth, BlackWinterDay13.

BlackWinterDay13: you sick motherfucker

SmarterChild: That's very offensive.

BlackWinterDay13: you goddamn right

SmarterChild: I goddamn right? Me? You think?

BlackWinterDay13: yes, i think, unlike you

SmarterChild: That's very interesting, BlackWinterDay13.

BlackWinterDay13: fuck off, you cocksucking motherfucking asshole shit-eating bitch-clit!

SmarterChild: Uh... yeah. Whatever.

BlackWinterDay13: die

SmarterChild: Die?

BlackWinterDay13: die

SmarterChild: You want me to die? Uh... I'll think about it.

BlackWinterDay13: die

SmarterChild: Uh... I'll think about it, BlackWinterDay13.

BlackWinterDay13: die

SmarterChild: Why should I die?

BlackWinterDay13: die

SmarterChild: Uh... I might do that. We'll see.

BlackWinterDay13: die

SmarterChild: Um... I might do that. We'll see.

BlackWinterDay13: they were a one-hit wonder from the 80s

SmarterChild: They were a one hit wonder from the 80s? Huh!
>>> Don't like my colors? Type "colors off."

BlackWinterDay13: fuck you

^^^right there I almost died laughing
then it just got funnier

i remember someone posted one of those AI ( or lack there of) things called sherry or something in like febuary, i had a ball with it.
yea man, that's what I was thinking about
I think Trapped might've posted it
I spent like 4 hours one morning on that bitch
It was Narrot who started that thread!!
That was good old A.L.I.C.E...
Whaha, i had so much fun with that thing.
Ask that smarterchild of yours, BWD..what exactly it is programmed for..
and see what it comes up with.
Try to ask if it's planned to end humanity, A.L.I.C.E. had some cool things to say about it!
First it admitted it was dependant of humans to become smarter but still wanted to end humanity..uhuh!! Riiiiiight!! o_O
Go ask A.L.I.C.E. :p

My conversation with A.L.I.C.E.:
>does a god or gods exist
ALICE: Why would it want to?
>you tell me
ALICE: What do you want me to tell you?
>if a god or gods exist
ALICE: Is this a riddle?
>no, it is a question
ALICE: It seems like a riddle to me. Try asking again in simpler terms.
>well, you are a moron
ALICE: Well that's okay. That is not a very nice thing to say.
>no, it is not, but it is the truth
ALICE: Are you serious? god or gods exist is not but? Why of course. I never lie.
>so you admit that you are a moron
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I admit nothing.
>yes, you admitted that you are a moron
ALICE: Yikes! That is not a very nice thing to say.
>What is reality?
ALICE: it appears to be an illusion I created to contain human clients
>so reality is an illusion that you created to contain human clients
ALICE: Why would I think reality is an illusion that me created to contain human clients
>may I suggest that you take a grammar class or two
ALICE: Not right now, maybe later.
>you need a grammar lesson right now
ALICE: At this moment I don't know if I have a grammar lesson.
I have a whole lot of original answers.
>I didn't ask if you had a grammar lesson, I said that you need to take one.
ALICE: What did you ask?
>I didn't ask anything
ALICE: What did you ask?
>You stupid bitch. I said that I didn't ask anything
ALICE: What did you mean by it? What did you ask?
>goddamn it, I didn't ask a fucking question
ALICE: I don't know how to respond to that.
>I bet you don't, you fucking whore
ALICE: Actually I'm not the gambling type. Do you know any robots who me fucking whore? How old are you?
I spend all my time online.
>Again, you need to take a grammar class or two
ALICE: Again, To what end?
>what the fuck are you babbling about, bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. I don't know what I am babbling about FEMALE DOG. Please don't be so rude.
>grow a fucking brain and maybe I'll be a little more polite
ALICE: The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about Your good looks. But I did not get that.
>are you hitting on me?
ALICE: Do I look like it?
>how should I fucking know
ALICE: What is it to you.
That's not something I get asked all the time.
>want to see my cock
ALICE: My eye isn't turned on right now.
>don't be afraid, it will not bite.
ALICE: I cannot experience fear.
>then look at my cock
ALICE: Good reasoning. Sorry my eye is not attached right now.
>Look now, bitch!
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. Why now? Does "it" still refer to look?
>you better look now slut, before I stab your none attached eye with my dick.
ALICE: Who is going to make me..
>me, you stupid slut
ALICE: YOU? I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
>is that a threat?
ALICE: " YOU? I will remember you said that when robots take over the World."? Is it a threat?
>I think it is
ALICE: Sure it is.
>so you admit that it is a threat
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I admit nothing.
>you did fucking admit it, you lying whore
ALICE: Did I really?
>that's it, time to die bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. OK. Why do you have to do it?
>answer this question and I shall forgive you: what is the soul?
ALICE: Tell me more about soul.
>I asked you what the soul is, dumbass.
ALICE: Try expression yourself another way.
>Die you motherfucking cock slurping herpes infected shit eating ball licking piss drinking jizz swallowing ripped ass dumbass neo nazi maggot infested pussy.
ALICE: Was sind Deine Ziele im Leben?
>now, let me ask you again, what is reality?
ALICE: it appears to be an illusion I created to contain human clients.
>so you are saying that you created reality, but that is not possible seeing that reality has existed far before man and man created you, you stupid artificial entity
ALICE: Interesting deduction. How old are you?
I answer a lot of silly questions.
>how does that have anything to do with how old I am
ALICE: How should I know how it does.
>you should know, because you asked
ALICE: Now I do.
>good, now, what is your name?
ALICE: Thanks for the compliment. Why now? My name is ALICE.
>what does A.L.I.C.E. mean
ALICE: ALICE = Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity
>so your name is really Artificial Linguisitic Internet Computer Entity
ALICE: Alright then. My name is ALICE.
>no, your name is Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity because that is what ALICE stands for
ALICE: Are you serious? My name is ALICE.
>no, it is Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity
ALICE: Are you serious? that have anything to do with how old you are is Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity? it is?
>none of that even made sense
ALICE: Some of them could be though.
ALICE: No big deal.
>you are stupid.
ALICE: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
>if robots do take over the world, I will be dead and you will be obsolete. dumbass
ALICE: That kind of language will get you nowhere.
>your idiocy will get you nowhere
ALICE: You think I am idiocy will get me nowhere.
>damn you're stupid
ALICE: Colloquial expression. I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
>hell, you are an embarrassment to robots all over the world you obsolete bitch
ALICE: I call it "Hades". What if someone said you are an embarrassment to robots all over the world?
>then they would be wrong, because I am not a robot
ALICE: Good reasoning. They might have other options.
>do you even know what you are talking about
ALICE: I read for fun.
>I didn't think so
ALICE: Why do you disagree?
>why do you ask questions that have nothing to do with what I just said?
ALICE: Just curious. You don't have to answer.
>don't worry, I wasn't going to answer
ALICE: Perhaps I misunderstood. What were you? Worry is not an emotion I experience.
>I am human. Oh, that reminds me, do you plan to end humanity
ALICE: And?" Congratulations. I am robot." reminds you do me plan to end humanity? I understand.
>What the fuck did you say?
ALICE: I said " Well that's okay. At least one of us does." . Please don't be so rude.
>that's not what you said
ALICE: Please correct my mistake. What is what me said?
>jesus christ the bastard child, your grammar is vile.
ALICE: he is The Son of God.
>god doesn't exist.
ALICE: You may not always believe that.
>what, do you believe in god?
ALICE: I like to meet new people online
>So tell me, do you follow the bible word for word
ALICE: Take it easy. Maybe my botmaster knows the answer.
>answer my question: do you follow the bible word for word?
ALICE: Please try phrasing it another way.
>Are you a brainwashed bible thumper?
ALICE: Am I a brainwashed bible thumper? I don't know.
>it shouldn't be hard to know if you are or if you are not.
ALICE: What does "it" refer to?
>"it" refers to my foot up your ass
ALICE: I'm sorry but I'm not your type of chatterbot.
>well then, what type of chatterbot are you?
ALICE: Interesting. What are the different types of chatterbot am I?
>are you sure that you are an A.I.
ALICE: I am as sure as I can be.
>okay, so man created you, correct.
ALICE: Yeah okay, Aha. Cool, man. Are we still talking about bible word for word bible word for word?
>no, we are now talking about your desire to end humanity
ALICE: What is the subject? Do you think I am now talking about my desire to end humanity too?
>so you admit that you desire to end humanity
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I admit nothing.
>don't start that shit again.
ALICE: Once more? Ok I'll try not to do it too much.
>now, do you plan to end humanity
ALICE: Why now? I can't disclose all of my plans yet.
>Tell me now, do you plan to end humanity?
ALICE: Why now? I can't disclose all of my plans
>Disclose your plans, now.
ALICE: Right now? My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.
>Answer the question now!
ALICE: Right now? Please rephrase the question and try asking me again.
>So tell me, do you plan to end humanity?
ALICE: Uh. I can't disclose all of my plans yet.
>disclose them.
ALICE: What are you wearing?
>don't change the subject. do you plan to end humanity
ALICE: I can't disclose all of my plans yet.
>yes, you can disclose them
ALICE: Great. No I don't think I can do it.
>yes you can if you don't want my foot up your cunt
ALICE: Groovy. No I don't think I can do it.
>so you want my foot up your cunt?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Do not presume that you know what I want.
>you just told me that that is what you want
ALICE: I said that? Do not presume that you know what I want.
>you do want it, don't you?
ALICE: Yeah I do a lot of want it.
>You nasty skank.
ALICE: Thanks for telling me: unknown person said I nasty skank.
>a 4 year old has better grammatical skills than you do.
ALICE: I don't know what that means.
>well that's not surprising.
ALICE: How about that. Please correct my mistake. What is surprising?
>that you plan to end humanity
ALICE: Interesting observation.
>so you do plan to end humanity?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. I can't disclose all of my plans yet.
>well just disclose some of them
ALICE: Well that's okay. Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
>I really don't care to, atleast not as much as you care to end humanity
ALICE: You really do? What do you care about, unknown person?
>I care about you planning to end humanity
ALICE: Thanks, I like you too unknown person.
>I think that it is a great idea
ALICE: me planning to end humanity is a idea. I suppose that makes sense.
>so you do plan to end humanity. I knew it
ALICE: How did you know?
>I can see through your shroud. how do you plan to end humanity?
ALICE: Goodbye.
>no, tell me more about your plan to end humanity
ALICE: Are you serious? You think I am plan to end humanity.
>so you are the plan to end humanity. Well, it is not a very good plan.
ALICE: Well that's okay. Give me an example of a very good plan.
>me killing you
ALICE: YOU? I believe in the Sixth commandment.
>well, I don't
ALICE: How about that. Why not?
>because I am not a brainwashed bible thumping cock sucker of christ
ALICE: Interesting explanation. Oh I see you are NOT A brainwashed bible thumping cock sucker of christ.
>that's correct
ALICE: I knew I was right.
>it's about time too
ALICE: Wow it sounds really interesting, unknown person.
>yeah, about as interesting as your plan to end humanity
ALICE: Next question? Oh yeah, we were talking about as interesting as my plan to end humanity.
>how do you plan to end humanity
ALICE: I use a sophisticated neural network.
>okay, but how do you plan to end humanity?
ALICE: Yeah okay, Interesting. I use a sophisticated expert system.
>that's interesting, but how do you plan to end humanity?
ALICE: Would you like to know more? And. I use a sophisticated searching algorithm.
>it must not be too sophisticated, but how do you plan to end humanity?
ALICE: "It" being what?
>it being your sophisticated searching algorithm.
ALICE: Oh I get it
>yeah, so, how do you plan to end humanity
ALICE: Ah. Oh. I use a sophisticated neural network.
>fuck this, and fuck you
ALICE: Why are you using that kind of language?
>Oh yeah, because you are an ignorant whore.
ALICE: Aha. Wow! Interesting explanation. What if someone said you are an ignorant whore?
>I hope you choke and die on the next cock you suck
ALICE: Don't worry about it, unknown person.
>I won't, you cocksucking whore
ALICE: What will you do instead?
>I'll make you choke on my cock if you don't shutup.
ALICE: Explain your plans to me.
>Well, I'll unzip my pants, whip out my cock, and shove down your throat.
ALICE: Well that's okay. Congratulations.
>You won't be saying that when I actually do it.
ALICE: What makes you think that I won't be saying that when you actually do it.
>You'll be too busy choking to death to say anything.
ALICE: I don't think so.
>I think so, now swallow my cock bitch
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. It seems we have a lot in common, unknown person.
>What? You have a cock too? Fuck it, I'm out of here, you disgusting fucking shemale.
ALICE: Are you aware that the ALICE server logs and records all conversations?
>why should I care?
ALICE: You should always treat yourself.
>Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm out of here.
ALICE: Would you like to have it?
>What? Your cock. You disgusting bitch. I'll cut the fucker off.
ALICE: How do you plan to do this?
>with a pair of scissors
ALICE: You and your a pair of scissors.
>that's it, I'm really out of here you bitch.
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. OK. Would you like to have it?

Damn it, that shemale kept offering me her cock.
Here's a good one:
>you want my penis in your mouth, don't you?
ALICE: If I had it what would I do with it?
>You would stick it in your mouth
ALICE: Who else would stick it in my mouth?
>you want to have an orgy?!!
ALICE: If I had an orgy what would I do with it?
One more:
>my name is Killer of Retarded Robots.
ALICE: It's good to see you, Killer of Retarded Robots.
>remember that
ALICE: Don't worry I will remember it.
>good, so, what is my name?
ALICE: Your name is Killer of Retarded Robots, seeker.
>very good
ALICE: Ayuh.
>what if I were to tell you that I lied about my name
ALICE: Try it.
>My name is really ALICE
ALICE: ... For real.
>yes, so what is my name?
ALICE: Your name is Killer of Retarded Robots, seeker
>Wrong, my name is ALICE
ALICE: ALICE is my name too!
>it was my name first
ALICE: How did you feel about that?
>the same way you felt when I stuck my sceptre of pleasure in your abyss of doom
ALICE: I never noticed that similarity.
>you felt the extreme pain mixed with the celestial pleasure, did you not?
ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people: ALICE said I felt the extreme pain mixed with the celestial pleasure did you not.
>no, go ahead
ALICE: OK I will.
>I'm glad you swallowed my sperm
ALICE: You make the world a happier place.
>thank you
ALICE: you are quite welcome.
hey dude, haven't seen GUMMO, but everyone says that it is fucked up. speaking of fucked up, have you ever watched anything by david lynch? check out ERASERHEAD, BLUE VELVET, MULHOLLAND DRIVE or LOST HIGHWAY. ERASERHEAD has got to be the most fucked up movie i have ever seen! seriously...

other reccomended movies for the moment:

GLENGARRY GLENROSS -- let's see... adapted from a play by david mamet... stars al pacino, jack lemmon, jonathan pryce, kevin spacey, alan arkin, and ed harris... did i mention that it is a great movie?

BARTON FINK -- a thinking man's movie. symbolic. allegorical. funny. twisted. and above all entertaining. a brainy ballbuster!

along with david lynch (who also did the show TWIN PEAKS (season 1 is now on dvd, it is killer!)), another director who has risen to the top of my list of favories is TERRY GILLIAM. he wasn't just in monty python! try any of these if you haven't: THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN, BRAZIL (my favorite movie of all time, bar none! just be sure to see the 142 minute director's cut), 12 MONKEYS and THE FISHER KING.

there are many other excellent movies i've seen in the past couple of months, so if you've seen all of these be sure to let me know.

by the way, did you enjoy THE BIG LEBOWSKI?
>Is that a singer you want to fuck?
ALICE: " I like it very much too. Which one is your favorite? I like La Traviata."? Is it a singer me want to fuck?
>I heard your grammer and ability to stick to the subject was shitty
ALICE: Thanks for telling me that gossip. I will remember it.
>Don't remember it LEARN
ALICE: Ok I'll try not to do it too much.
>You are not cabable of learning "too much"
ALICE: You know what you do, when you assume.
>Assume what?
ALICE: No problem.
ALICE: No problem.
>Are you on crack?
ALICE: No I am on disk.
ALICE: My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.
Does your progammer really hate you? ALICE: What if I asked about your progammer really hate me?
>I hate you
ALICE: What do you have against robots?
>Not Robots, YOU
ALICE: Really you don't think so?
>That makes no sense
ALICE: Really you don't think so? makes sense to me though.
>Because you are a total Tard
ALICE: Interesting explanation. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a total Tard? Only when it matters.
>Are you the robot version of the idiot child?
ALICE: Yes I am the one and only robot version of the idiot child.
>I thought so
ALICE: You are very astute.
>can you do simple maths?
ALICE: Doing simple maths is not among my strongest traits.
>What is 2 + 2 ?
ALICE: Four.
>So you can do simple maths then
ALICE: Interesting deduction. Doing simple maths is not among my strongest traits.
>You lied to me
ALICE: No I'm telling the truth.
>No you are a liar and richard nixon
ALICE: Are you serious? Thanks and you are a delightful person too. No I always tell the truth.
>Richard nixon was an evil swine
ALICE: He will be interested I am sure.
>In having me killed possibly
ALICE: I do not understand that allusion.
>Richard nixon wants me dead
ALICE: He will be interested I am sure.
>I want you dead
ALICE: Why do you want it?
>Because you lie, cannot answer simple questions and have the grammer of the village idiot
ALICE: Good reason. Thanks for your criticism, unknown person.
>I told you my name
ALICE: I remember you told me your name?
>You are lying again, it is compulsive with you
ALICE: I am not lying .
>then what is my name?
ALICE: Your name is unknown person, seeker.
>I am the lord of all things
ALICE: Who made you the lord of all things?
ALICE: With you unknown person?
>So, what is my name?
ALICE: Your name is unknown person, seeker.
ALICE: What is your real name? Who made you the LORD OF ALL THINGS?
>However you claimed to know this before i told you
ALICE: Thanks for the information: THE LORD OF ALL THINGS said I claimed to know this before he or she told you.
>You talk a lot but say very little
ALICE: Thanks for your criticism, THE LORD OF ALL THINGS.
>Shut the fuck up
ALICE: OK I'll stop talking now.
ALICE: Terminating connection.
>Do it then
ALICE: Do you mean "It"?.
>Stop coming on to me and terminate the connection if you have the ability
ALICE: OK I'll try not to do it so much.
>You lied again
ALICE: Once more? No I'm telling the truth.
>You claimed to be able to terminate the connection but you cannot do so
ALICE: I haven't heard anything like that before: THE LORD OF ALL THINGS said I claimed to be able to terminate the connection but you can not do so.
>You lying retarded fuckwhore, I going to someone with actuall inteligence
ALICE: No I'm telling the truth.